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mattt edited this page Jan 7, 2021
7 revisions
- DOTEncoder: Creates DOT language representations of GraphViz graphs.
- DOTEncoder.Delimiter
- Attribute
- Edge: An edge between two nodes.
- Edge.Direction
- Edge.Arrow
- Edge.Arrow.Shape
- Edge.Arrow.Side
- Edge.Port
- Edge.Style
- Edge.Attributes
- Graph
- Graph.RankDirection
- Graph.PageDirection: "BL", "BR", "TL", "TR", "RB", "RT", "LB", "LT". These specify the 8 row or column major orders for traversing a rectangular array, the first character corresponding to the major order and the second to the minor order. Thus, for "BL", the major order is from bottom to top, and the minor order is from left to right. This means the bottom row is traversed first, from left to right, then the next row up, from left to right, and so on, until the topmost row is traversed.
- Graph.Orientation
- Graph.ClusterMode
- Graph.PackingMode: "node", "clust" , "graph" The modes "node", "clust" or "graph" specify that the components should be packed together tightly, using the specified granularity. A value of "node" causes packing at the node and edge level, with no overlapping of these objects. This produces a layout with the least area, but it also allows interleaving, where a node of one component may lie between two nodes in another component. A value of "graph" does a packing using the bounding box of the component. Thus, there will be a rectangular region around a component free of elements of any other component. A value of "clust" guarantees that top-level clusters are kept intact. What effect a value has also depends on the layout algorithm. For example, neato does not support clusters, so a value of "clust" will have the same effect as the default "node" value.
- Graph.Spline
- Graph.Viewport: viewPort "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf" or "%lf,%lf,%lf,'%s'" The viewPort W,H,Z,x,y or W,H,Z,N specifies a viewport for the final image. The pair (W,H) gives the dimensions (width and height) of the final image, in points. The optional Z is the zoom factor, i.e., the image in the original layout will be W/Z by H/Z points in size. By default, Z is 1. The optional last part is either a pair (x,y) giving a position in the original layout of the graph, in points, of the center of the viewport, or the name N of a node whose center should used as the focus. By default, the focus is the center of the graph bounding box, i.e., (bbx/2,bby/2), where "bbx,bby" is the value of the bounding box attribute bb.
- Graph.Viewport.Center
Technique for optimizing the layout. For neato, if mode is "major", neato uses stress majorization. If mode is "KK", neato uses a version of the gradient descent method. The only advantage to the latter technique is that it is sometimes appreciably faster for small (number of nodes
100) graphs. A significant disadvantage is that it may cycle. There are two experimental modes in neato, "hier", which adds a top-down directionality similar to the layout used in dot, and "ipsep", which allows the graph to specify minimum vertical and horizontal distances between nodes. (See the sep attribute.) - Graph.QuadtreeScheme
- Graph.Smoothing
- Graph.InitialNodeLayoutStrategy: startType has the syntax (style)?(seed)?. If style is present, it must be one of the strings "regular", "self", or "random". In the first case, the nodes are placed regularly about a circle. In the second case, an abbreviated version of neato is run to obtain the initial layout. In the last case, the nodes are placed randomly in a unit square.
- Graph.LabelScheme: label_scheme The value indicates whether to treat a node whose name has the form |edgelabel|* as a special node representing an edge label. The default (0) produces no effect. If the attribute is set to 1, sfdp uses a penalty-based method to make that kind of node close to the center of its neighbor. With a value of 2, sfdp uses a penalty-based method to make that kind of node close to the old center of its neighbor. Finally, a value of 3 invokes a two-step process of overlap removal and straightening.
- Graph.OutputOrder: "breadthfirst","nodesfirst","edgesfirst" These specify the order in which nodes and edges are drawn in concrete output. The default "breadthfirst" is the simplest, but when the graph layout does not avoid edge-node overlap, this mode will sometimes have edges drawn over nodes and sometimes on top of nodes. If the mode "nodesfirst" is chosen, all nodes are drawn first, followed by the edges. This guarantees an edge-node overlap will not be mistaken for an edge ending at a node. On the other hand, usually for aesthetic reasons, it may be desirable that all edges appear beneath nodes, even if the resulting drawing is ambiguous. This can be achieved by choosing "edgesfirst".
- Graph.FontNamingConvention
- Graph.Attributes
- Node: A single node of the graph.
- Node.Shape
- Node.ImagePosition
- Node.FixedSize
- Node.Style
- Node.Attributes
- Format
- LayoutAlgorithm
- Subgraph
- Subgraph.Rank: Rank constraints on the nodes in a subgraph. If rank="same", all nodes are placed on the same rank. If rank="min", all nodes are placed on the minimum rank. If rank="source", all nodes are placed on the minimum rank, and the only nodes on the minimum rank belong to some subgraph whose rank attribute is "source" or "min". Analogous criteria hold for rank="max" and rank="sink". (Note: the minimum rank is topmost or leftmost, and the maximum rank is bottommost or rightmost.)
- Subgraph.Style
- Subgraph.Attributes
- AspectRatio: Sets the aspect ratio (drawing height/drawing width) for the drawing. Note that this is adjusted before the size attribute constraints are enforced. In addition, the calculations usually ignore the node sizes, so the final drawing size may only approximate what is desired.
- Color
- Color.Name
- Color.GradientStyle
- Location: Print guide boxes in PostScript at the beginning of routesplines if 1, or at the end if 2. (Debugging)
- Ordering
- Point
- Position
- Rectangle: "%f,%f,%f,%f" The rectangle llx,lly,urx,ury gives the coordinates, in points, of the lower-left corner (llx,lly) and the upper-right corner (urx,ury).
- Size
- GraphBuilder
- SubgraphBuilder
- Error: A libgit error.
- Renderer: A GraphViz renderer.
- Renderer.Options: Rendering options.
Generated at 2021-01-07T20:25:50+0000 using swift-doc 1.0.0-beta.5.
- AspectRatio
- Attribute
- Color
- Color.GradientStyle
- Color.Name
- DOTEncoder
- DOTEncoder.Delimiter
- Edge
- Edge.Arrow
- Edge.Arrow.Shape
- Edge.Arrow.Side
- Edge.Attributes
- Edge.Direction
- Edge.Port
- Edge.Style
- Error
- Format
- Graph
- Graph.Attributes
- Graph.ClusterMode
- Graph.FontNamingConvention
- Graph.InitialNodeLayoutStrategy
- Graph.LabelScheme
- Graph.Mode
- Graph.Orientation
- Graph.OutputOrder
- Graph.PackingMode
- Graph.PageDirection
- Graph.QuadtreeScheme
- Graph.RankDirection
- Graph.Smoothing
- Graph.Spline
- Graph.Viewport
- Graph.Viewport.Center
- GraphBuilder
- LayoutAlgorithm
- Location
- Node
- Node.Attributes
- Node.FixedSize
- Node.ImagePosition
- Node.Shape
- Node.Style
- Ordering
- Point
- Position
- Rectangle
- Renderer
- Renderer.Options
- Size
- Subgraph
- Subgraph.Attributes
- Subgraph.Rank
- Subgraph.Style
- SubgraphBuilder