FUAgoraDemo 是 Faceunity 的面部跟踪和虚拟道具功能在声网 OpenLive_iOS 及 OpenVideoCall_iOS 中的集成。声网原版文档可以参考这里。
在v3.0中,全面升级了底层人脸数据库,数据库大小从原来的 10M 缩小到 3M ,同时取消了之前的 ar.mp3 数据。新的数据库可以支持稳定的全头模型,从而支持更好的道具定位、面部纹理;同时新的数据库强化了跟踪模块,从而提升虚拟化身道具的表情响应度和精度。
- funama.h 函数调用接口头文件
- FURenderer.h OC接口
- libnama.a 人脸跟踪及道具绘制核心库
目录 Faceunity/ 下的 *.bundle 为程序的数据文件。数据文件中都是二进制数据,与扩展名无关。实际在app中使用时,打包在程序内或者从网络接口下载这些数据都是可行的,只要在相应的函数接口传入正确的二进制数据即可。
其中 v3.bundle 是所有道具共用的数据文件,缺少该文件会导致初始化失败。其他每一个文件对应一个道具。自定义道具制作的文档和工具请联系我司获取。
首先把库文件拷贝到工程目录中,并添加到 xcode 工程,之后在Bridging-Header.h中包含 FURenderer.h 即可调用相关函数。
#import "FURenderer.h"
调用时,首先要创建一个openGL context:
if mcontext == nil {
mcontext = EAGLContext(api: .openGLES2)
if mcontext == nil || !EAGLContext.setCurrent(mcontext) {
print("context error")
然后对 faceunity 环境进行初始化。其中 g_auth_package
var size:Int32 = 0;
let v3 = mmap_bundle(bundle: "v3.bundle", psize: &size)
FURenderer.share().setup(withData: v3, ardata: nil,
authPackage: &g_auth_package,
authSize: Int32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: g_auth_package)))
在 YuvPreProcessorProtocol
的 func onFrameAvailable(....)
extension ViewController: YuvPreProcessorProtocol {
func onFrameAvailable(_ y: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, ubuf u: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, vbuf v: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, ystride: Int32, ustride: Int32, vstride: Int32, width: Int32, height: Int32) {
if mcontext == nil {
mcontext = EAGLContext(api: .openGLES2)
if mcontext == nil || !EAGLContext.setCurrent(mcontext) {
print("context error")
if !fuInit {
fuInit = true
var size:Int32 = 0;
let v3 = mmap_bundle(bundle: "v3.bundle", psize: &size)
FURenderer.share().setup(withData: v3, ardata: nil, authPackage: &g_auth_package, authSize: Int32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: g_auth_package)))
if needReloadItem {
needReloadItem = false
if items[1] == 0 {
// Set item parameters
// Set item parameters
fuItemSetParamd(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("cheek_thinning" as NSString).utf8String!), Double(self.fuDemoBar.thinningLevel))//瘦脸
fuItemSetParamd(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("eye_enlarging" as NSString).utf8String!), Double(self.fuDemoBar.enlargingLevel))//大眼
fuItemSetParamd(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("color_level" as NSString).utf8String!), Double(self.fuDemoBar.beautyLevel))//美白
fuItemSetParams(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("filter_name" as NSString).utf8String!), UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: (fuDemoBar.selectedFilter as NSString).utf8String!))
fuItemSetParamd(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("blur_level" as NSString).utf8String!), Double(self.fuDemoBar.selectedBlur))
FURenderer.share().renderFrame(y, u: u, v: v, ystride: ystride, ustride: ustride, vstride: vstride, width: width, height: height, frameId: frameID, items: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>(mutating: items)!, itemCount: 2)
frameID += 1
items[1] = fuCreateItemFromPackage(data, size)
之后,将该handle和其他需要绘制的道具一起传入绘制接口即可。注意 fuRenderItems() 最后一个参数为所绘制的道具数量,这里以一个普通道具和一个美颜道具一起绘制为例。加载美颜道具后不需设置任何参数,即可启用默认设置的美颜的效果。
FURenderer.share().renderFrame(y, u: u, v: v, ystride: ystride, ustride: ustride,
vstride: vstride, width: width, height: height, frameId: frameID,
items: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>(mutating: items)!, itemCount: 2)
"nature", "delta", "electric", "slowlived", "tokyo", "warm"
其中 "nature" 作为默认的美白滤镜,其他滤镜属于风格化滤镜。切换滤镜时,通过 fuItemSetParams 设置美颜道具的参数,如:
// Set item parameters - filter
fuItemSetParams(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("filter_name" as NSString).utf8String!), UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("nature" as NSString).utf8String!))
当滤镜设置为美白滤镜 "nature" 时,通过参数 color_level 来控制美白程度。当滤镜为其他风格化滤镜时,该参数用于控制风格化程度。该参数取值为大于等于0的浮点数,0为无效果,1为默认效果,大于1为继续增强效果。
// Set item parameters - whiten
fuItemSetParams(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("color_level" as NSString).utf8String!), 1.0)
新版美颜中磨皮的参数改为了一个复合参数 blur_level ,其取值范围为0-5,对应6个不同的磨皮程度。
// Set item parameters - blur
fuItemSetParams(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("blur_level" as NSString).utf8String!), 5.0)
目前我们支持两种美型模式,瘦脸和大眼,分别由 cheek_thinning 和 eye_enlarging 控制效果的强弱。两个参数的取值都为大于等于0的浮点数,0为关闭效果,1为默认效果,大于1为进一步增强效果。
// Set item parameters - shaping
fuItemSetParams(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("cheek_thinning" as NSString).utf8String!), 1.0)
fuItemSetParams(items[1], UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ("eye_enlarging" as NSString).utf8String!), 1.0)
- fuSetup接口封装
+ (void)setupWithData:(void *)data ardata:(void *)ardata authPackage:(void *)package authSize:(int)size;
- 单输入接口:输入一个pixelBuffer并返回一个加过美颜或道具的pixelBuffer,支持YUV及BGRA格式出入,且输出与输入格式一致。
- (CVPixelBufferRef)renderPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer withFrameId:(int)frameid items:(int*)items itemCount:(int)itemCount;
- 双输入接口:输入pixelBuffer及texture,然后返回一个FUOutput结构体,结构体中包含的就是加过美颜或道具的pixelBuffer及texture。输入的pixelBuffer支持YUV及BGRA格式,输入的texture只支持BGRA格式,输出与输入格式一致。
- (FUOutput)renderPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer bgraTexture:(GLuint)textureHandle withFrameId:(int)frameid items:(int *)items itemCount:(int)itemCount;
- 针对声网视频流回调接口的YUV输入接口
- (void)renderFrame:(uint8_t*)y u:(uint8_t*)u v:(uint8_t*)v ystride:(int)ystride ustride:(int)ustride vstride:(int)vstride width:(int)width height:(int)height frameId:(int)frameid items:(int *)items itemCount:(int)itemCount;
- FUOutput结构体:包含一个pixelBuffer和一个texture
typedef struct{
CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer;
GLuint bgraTextureHandle;****
- 机构生成私钥 机构调用以下命令在本地生成私钥 CERT_NAME.key ,其中 CERT_NAME 为机构名称。
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out CERT_NAME.key
- 机构根据私钥生成证书签发请求 机构根据本地生成的私钥,调用以下命令生成证书签发请求 CERT_NAME.csr 。在生成证书签发请求的过程中注意在 Common Name 字段中填写机构的正式名称。
openssl req -new -sha256 -key CERT_NAME.key -out CERT_NAME.csr
- 将证书签发请求发回我司颁发机构证书
如果需要在终端用户证书有效期内终止证书,可以由机构自行用OpenSSL吊销,然后生成pem格式的吊销列表文件发给我们。例如如果要吊销先前误发的 "bad_client.crt",可以如下操作:
openssl ca -config ca.conf -revoke bad_client.crt -keyfile CERT_NAME.key -cert CERT_NAME.crt
openssl ca -config ca.conf -gencrl -keyfile CERT_NAME.key -cert CERT_NAME.crt -out CERT_NAME.crl.pem
然后将生成的 CERT_NAME.crl.pem 发回给我司。
static char g_auth_package[]={ ... }
用户在库环境初始化时,需要提供该数组进行鉴权,具体参考 fuSetup 接口。没有证书、证书失效、网络连接失败等情况下,会造成鉴权失败,在控制台或者Android平台的log里面打出 "not authenticated" 信息,并在运行一段时间后停止渲染道具。
任何其他关于授权问题,请email:[email protected]
\brief Initialize and authenticate your SDK instance to the FaceUnity server, must be called exactly once before all other functions.
The buffers should NEVER be freed while the other functions are still being called.
You can call this function multiple times to "switch pointers".
\param v2data should point to contents of the "v2.bin" we provide
\param ardata should point to contents of the "ar.bin" we provide
\param authdata is the pointer to the authentication data pack we provide. You must avoid storing the data in a file.
Normally you can just `#include "authpack.h"` and put `g_auth_package` here.
\param sz_authdata is the authentication data size, we use plain int to avoid cross-language compilation issues.
Normally you can just `#include "authpack.h"` and put `sizeof(g_auth_package)` here.
void fuSetup(float* v2data,float* ardata,void* authdata,int sz_authdata);
\brief Call this function when the GLES context has been lost and recreated.
That isn't a normal thing, so this function could leak resources on each call.
void fuOnDeviceLost();
\brief Call this function to reset the face tracker on camera switches
void fuOnCameraChange();
\brief Create an accessory item from a binary package, you can discard the data after the call.
This function MUST be called in the same GLES context / thread as fuRenderItems.
\param data is the pointer to the data
\param sz is the data size, we use plain int to avoid cross-language compilation issues
\return an integer handle representing the item
int fuCreateItemFromPackage(void* data,int sz);
\brief Destroy an accessory item.
This function MUST be called in the same GLES context / thread as the original fuCreateItemFromPackage.
\param item is the handle to be destroyed
void fuDestroyItem(int item);
\brief Destroy all accessory items ever created.
This function MUST be called in the same GLES context / thread as the original fuCreateItemFromPackage.
void fuDestroyAllItems();
\brief Render a list of items on top of a GLES texture or a memory buffer.
This function needs a GLES 2.0+ context.
\param texid specifies a GLES texture. Set it to 0u if you want to render to a memory buffer.
\param img specifies a memory buffer. Set it to NULL if you want to render to a texture.
If img is non-NULL, it will be overwritten by the rendered image when fuRenderItems returns
\param w specifies the image width
\param h specifies the image height
\param frameid specifies the current frame id.
To get animated effects, please increase frame_id by 1 whenever you call this.
\param p_items points to the list of items
\param n_items is the number of items
\return a new GLES texture containing the rendered image in the texture mode
int fuRenderItems(int texid,int* img,int w,int h,int frame_id, int* p_items,int n_items);
/*\brief An I/O format where `ptr` points to a BGRA buffer. It matches the camera format on iOS. */
/*\brief An I/O format where `ptr` points to a single GLuint that is a RGBA texture. It matches the hardware encoding format on Android. */
/*\brief An I/O format where `ptr` points to an NV21 buffer. It matches the camera preview format on Android. */
/*\brief An output-only format where `ptr` is NULL. The result is directly rendered onto the current GL framebuffer. */
/*\brief An I/O format where `ptr` points to a RGBA buffer. */
\brief Generalized interface for rendering a list of items.
This function needs a GLES 2.0+ context.
\param out_format is the output format
\param out_ptr receives the rendering result, which is either a GLuint texture handle or a memory buffer
\param in_format is the input format
\param in_ptr points to the input image, which is either a GLuint texture handle or a memory buffer
\param w specifies the image width
\param h specifies the image height
\param frameid specifies the current frame id.
To get animated effects, please increase frame_id by 1 whenever you call this.
\param p_items points to the list of items
\param n_items is the number of items
\return a GLuint texture handle containing the rendering result if out_format isn't FU_FORMAT_GL_CURRENT_FRAMEBUFFER
int fuRenderItemsEx(
int out_format,void* out_ptr,
int in_format,void* in_ptr,
int w,int h,int frame_id, int* p_items,int n_items);
\brief Set an item parameter to a double value
\param item specifies the item
\param name is the parameter name
\param value is the parameter value to be set
\return zero for failure, non-zero for success
int fuItemSetParamd(int item,char* name,double value);
\brief Set an item parameter to a double array
\param item specifies the item
\param name is the parameter name
\param value points to an array of doubles
\param n specifies the number of elements in value
\return zero for failure, non-zero for success
int fuItemSetParamdv(int item,char* name,double* value,int n);
\brief Set an item parameter to a string value
\param item specifies the item
\param name is the parameter name
\param value is the parameter value to be set
\return zero for failure, non-zero for success
int fuItemSetParams(int item,char* name,char* value);
\brief Get an item parameter to a double value
\param item specifies the item
\param name is the parameter name
\return double value of the parameter
double fuItemGetParamd(int item,char* name);
\brief Get the face tracking status
\return zero for not tracking, non-zero for tracking
int fuIsTracking();
\brief Set the default orientation for face detection. The correct orientation would make the initial detection much faster.
One of 0..3 should work.
void fuSetDefaultOrientation(int rmode);