OpenStack API wrapper. Can currently be used to:
- Configure self-defined security groups
- Or you can import
in your own role which contains a template of the cloud authentication object and create your ownos
tasks (see example below)
Openstack client on Ansible server:
# Upgrade PIP
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
# Upgrade Python decorator to fix SDK not being detected by Ansible
sudo pip install --upgrade decorator
# Install OpenStack Shade Client and other dependencies
sudo pip install ndg-httpsclient python-novaclient python-keystoneclient shade
# Install Openstack client (used because Ansible itself hasn't full OpenStack support yet)
sudo pip install python-openstackclient
openstack --version
To workarround proxy issues you can add the following to every pip command:
- --trusted-host --trusted-host --trusted-host --proxy http://myproxy:8080
Tag | Description | About |
os_server_facts | Gather Openstack host facts on var os_server_facts[] |
Never ran by default, optional |
os_security_groups | Create user defined security groups | Uses value of os_security_groups |
Required parameters with example values:
# Openstack URL
os_url: https://myopenstackinstance:13000/v3/
# Openstack API user
os_user: openstackuser
os_password: openstackpassword
os_user_domain: user.domain
# Set default Openstack project name and domain
os_project: my-project-name
os_project_domain: project.domain
Optional parameters:
# Optional: Only apply security groups of the set environment
os_environment: ""
Define security groups:
os_security_groups: [ # Array of security groups
# Security group example
name: "sec-group name", # Required
description: "sec-group description", # Optional
project: "", # Optional (defaults to os_project)
project_domain: "", # Optional (defaults to var os_project_domain)
# Optional: Define rules for security group:
rules: [{
direction: "", # Defaults to ingress
protocol: "", # Defaults to tcp
ethertype: "", # Defaults to IPv4
port_range_min: 8080, # Use the "port" var instead of "port_range_min" and "port_range_max" if setting a single port. Is required depends on "protocol" set
port_range_max: 0, # Defaults to port_range_min var
ip: "" # Defaults to
# Optional: Define the hosts on which the security group should be applied (default is inventory hosts):
hosts: [
# Optional: Bind to environment (creation of this security group is skipped when not equal to os_environment):
environment: int
See also vars\main.yml for more detail about the cloud authentication object used in OS tasks.
- hosts: openstack
gather_facts: no # We can't gather facts if we don't have a flow yet from Ansible to the target
- { role: sverto.os_security_groups, tags: os }
os_url: https://myopenstackinstance:13000/v3/
os_user: openstackuser
os_password: openstackpassword
os_user_domain: user.domain
os_project: my-project-name
os_project_domain: project.domain
os_security_groups: [
name: "Web Access",
description: "Open web access. Created using Ansible.",
rules: [
{ port: 8080, ip: "" },
{ port: 8080, ip: "" }
# Make sure the Openstack required vars are set
- set_facts:
os_url: https://myopenstackinstance:13000/v3/
os_user: openstackuser
os_password: openstackpassword
os_user_domain: user.domain
os_project: my-project-name
os_project_domain: project.domain
# Then import the cloud authentication templater
- name: Get cloud authentication object
dir: ../openstack/vars
# Use the templated "cloud_provider" var in your own "os_*" tasks
- name: My own OS task
state: present
cloud: '{{ cloud_provider }}' # Used here
name: My security group name
description: A test example