68Cutie is a single board computer based on a Motorola MC68SEC000 processor.
- Processor: MC68SEC000 @10MHz
- RAM: 4MiB 55ns SRAM
- ROM: 4MiB 100ns NOR Flash
- Segmented virtual memory controller
- EPM240T100C5N MAX II CPLD bus matrix controller and interrupt controller
- Peripherals:
- ILI9325-based LCD module with resistive touch,
- PIC18F46K20 as parallel to SPI + UART + GPIO controller
- CH374 USB 2.0 Full Seed OTG controller
- DM9000A 100Mbps Ethernet controller
For more details, see the documentations.
This is open source hardware under 3-clause BSD license.
Contact: Max Chan.