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GraphQL Ergonomock

đź”® Developer-friendly automagical mocking for GraphQL
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Table of Contents

About The Project

This library provides a developer-friendly method to mock your GraphQL requests. By default, it ships with the following features:

  • Automatic mocking of types and fields based on schema definition.
  • Deterministic randomization of mocked values based on the provided mock shape, to support usage of features such as snapshots.
  • Support for queries using fragments, unions & interfaces.
  • Allows usage of functions as mock values, which have the signature of a GraphQL resolver, and are resolved at runtime.

Basic Example

import { ergonomock } from 'graphql-ergonomock';

// Given a particular GraphQL Schema, ...
const schema = gql`
  type Shape {
    id: ID!
    returnInt: Int
    nestedShape: Shape
    returnBoolean: Boolean

  type Query {
    getShape: Shape

// ...a GraphQL query, ...
const query = gql`
  getShape {
    nestedShape {
      nestedShape {

// ...and a partial, possibly nested shape of data...
const mocks = {
  getShape: {
    nestedShape: {
      returnInt: 5,
      nestedShape: {
        returnInt: 10

// ... provides the expected object filled with mock data
const resp = ergonomock(schema, query, { mocks });
  id: expect.toBeString(),
  nestedShape: {
    returnInt: 5,
    nestedShape: {
      returnInt: 10,
      returnBoolean: expect.toBeBoolean()
}); // âś… test pass

Basic Example (Apollo)

import { ErgonoMockedProvider as MockedProvider } from "graphql-ergonomock";

// Given a particular GraphQL Schema, ...
const schema = gql`
  type Shape {
    id: ID!
    returnString: String
    returnBoolean: Boolean

  type Query {
    getShape: Shape

// ...a component making a query ...
const QUERY = gql`
query MyQuery {
  getShape {
const MyComponent = () => {
  const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(QUERY);
  if (loading) return <p>Loading</p>;
  if (error) return <p>Error</p>;

  return (
      <div>String: {data.getShape.returnString}</div>
      <div>Boolean: {data.getShape.returnBoolean.toString()}</div>

test("MyComponent can render the query results.", async () => {
  const mocks = {
    MyQuery: {
      getShape: { returnString: "John Doe" }
  const { findByText } = render(
    <MockedProvider schema={schema} mocks={mocks}>
      <MyComponent />
  expect(await findByText(/String: John Doe/)).toBeVisible();
  expect(await findByText(/Boolean: (true|false)/)).toBeVisible();
}); // âś… test pass

Built With

Getting Started


npm i graphql-ergonomock --save-dev


Default Case

The ergonomock() function can be used on its own to create mock responses out of GraphQL queries.

See example

import { ergonomock } from 'graphql-ergonomock';
import schema from '../my-schema.graphql';

test("I can mock a response", () => {
  const resp = ergonomock(schema, 'query MyCrucialOperation { car { id, plateNumber } }', {
    mocks: { car: { plateNumber: '123abc' } }

    data: {
      car: {
        id: expect.toBeString(),
        plateNumber: '123abc'

ErgonoMockedProvider for Use with Apollo-Client

If your app uses Apollo-Client, you can also use ErgonoMockedProvider which wraps ergonomock(). The generated values are stable & deterministic based on the query name, shape, and variables (this is so you can leverage testing snapshots if you are so inclined).

See example

import { ErgonoMockedProvider as MockedProvider } from 'graphql-ergonomock';
import schema from '../my-schema.graphql';

test("I can mock a response", () => {
  const mocks = {
    MyCrucialOperation: {
      car: { plateNumber: '123abc' }
  const { findByText } = render(
    <MockedProvider schema={schema} mocks={mocks}>
      <MyApp />
  expect(await findByText(/'123abc'/)).toBeVisible();

If a particular component is called multiple times in the React tree (but with different variables), you can provide a function as value for an operation, and the function will be called with the operation: GraphQLOperation as first and only argument.

See example

import { ErgonoMockedProvider as MockedProvider } from 'graphql-ergonomock';
import schema from '../my-schema.graphql';

test("I can mock a response with a function", () => {
  let cardinality = 0;
  const mocks = {
    MyCrucialOperation: (operation) => ({ plateNumber: `aaa00${cardinality++}` })
  const { findAllByText } = render(
    <MockedProvider schema={schema} mocks={mocks}>
      <MyApp />
  expect(await findAllByText(/'aaa00'/)).toHaveLength(3);

Finally, you can spy on executed operations via the onCall prop.

See example

const spy = jest.fn();
const { findByText } = render(
  <MockedProvider schema={schema} onCall={spy}>
    <MyComponent id="1" />
    <MyComponent id="2" />
    <MyComponent id="3" />

const { operation, response } = spy.mock.calls[0][0];

Providing Functions as Resolver in the Mock Shape

You can use functions for any part of the nested mock, and it will be used as a resolver for this field. The typical signature for a resolver is (root, args, context, info) => any.

See example

// ...
const mocks = {
  returnShape: {
    returnInt: 4321,
    nestedShape: (root: any, args: any, ctx: any, info: any) => {
      return {
        returnInt: root.someField ? 1234 : 5678

Providing default mock resolver functions

If you have custom scalar types or would like to provide default mock resolver functions for certain types, you can pass your mock functions via the resolvers option.

See example

const schema = gql`
  type Shape = {
    id: ID!
    returnInt: Int
    date: Date
    nestedShape: Shape

  type Query {
    getShape: Shape

const testQuery = gql`
  getShape {
    nestedShape {

const resp = ergonomock(schema, testQuery, {
  resolvers: {
    Date: () => "2021-04-09"
  id: expect.toBeString(),
  returnInt: expect.toBeNumber(),
  date: '2021-04-09'
  nestedShape {
    date: '2021-04-09'

Mocking Errors

You can return or throw errors within the mock shape.

See example

const testQuery = gql`
    getCar {

const resp = ergonomock(schema, testQuery, {
  mocks: {
    getCar: () => { throw new Error("Server Error"); }
    // or simply getCar: new Error("Server Error")

console.log(; // null
console.log(resp.errors[0]); // { message: "Server Error", ...}

Mocking Mutations

You can mock mutations, but if you are using ergonomock() directly, you'll have to provide the correct variables for the operation in order for it to not fail.

See example

test("Can partially mock mutations", () => {
  const query = /* GraphQL */ `
    mutation SampleQuery($input: ShapeInput!) {
      createShape(input: $input) {

  const resp: any = ergonomock(schema, query, {
    mocks: {
      createShape: { id: "567" }
    variables: {
      input: { someID: "123", someInt: 123 }

    id: "567",
    returnInt: expect.toBeNumber(),
    returnString: expect.toBeString()



The ergonomock(schema, query, options) function takes 3 arguments

  1. (required) A GraphQL schema (not in SDL form).
  2. (required) A GraphQL query, either in SDL (string) form, or DocumentNode.
  3. (optional) An option object.
    1. mocks is an object that can partially or fully match the expected response shape.
    2. seed is a string used to seed the random number generator for automocked values.
    3. variables is the variable values object used in the query or mutation.


This component's props are very similar to Apollo-Client's MockedProvider. The only differences are:

  • mocks is an object where keys are the operation names and the values are the mocks input that ergonomock() would accept. (i.e. could be empty, or any shape that matches the expected response.)
  • onCall is a handler that gets called by any executed query. The call signature is ({operation: GraphQLOperation, response: any}) => void where response is the full response being returned to that single query. The purpose of onCall is to provide some sort of spy (or jest.fn()) to make assertions on which calls went through, with which variables, and get a handle on the generated values from ergonomock().
  • resolvers is an object where the keys are the gql type and the values are the mock resolver functions. It's designed to allow users to override or provide a default mock function for certain types. (e.g. custom scalar types) The call signature is (root, args, context, info) => any.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Maintainer: Joel Marcotte (Github @joual)

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