This repository contains my learning projects in Go. Each project is stored in its own directory and has its own README file with instructions on how to run and use the project.
- Go CRUD Application: A simple CRUD application built using Gorilla Mux router.
- Go-Server: A simple web server written in Go that serves static files and handles HTTP requests for form data and a simple greeting.
- Email Verifier: A simple command-line program that verifies email domains.
- Weather Tracker: A simple Go application that uses the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve weather data for a given location and returns it in JSON format.
- Go 1.16 or later
- Any dependencies required by individual projects
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Change into the directory:
cd golang-projects/project-directory
- Build and run the individual projects following the instructions provided in their respective README files.
If you have suggestions for improving any of the projects or have an idea for a new project, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.