Implementation is based on the Strategy pattern, where player strategy can be changed easily.
has a PlayerStrategy
which is responsible for picking a player hand, e.g. We have two implementations of
player strategy PaperPlayerStrategy
and RandomPlayerStrategy
. We might also add something like HumanPlayerStrategy
when a human is responsible for picking the new hand if our game became popular.
Game Rules are specified using GameRules
class where you specify which hands should win.
For example: gameRules.addRule(Hand.ROCK, Hand.SCISSOR, Winner.FIRST);
. Here we specify that Rock beats Scissor.
This gives us the flexibility in changing game rules if we need to. Or even add new hands to the game.
You can run the application using the command
java -jar rock-scissor-paper-1.0-RELEASE.jar [rounds]
The game defaults to 100 rounds