Shipment Repository Endpoints: Get all the Shipment Info GET http://localhost:8080/turvo/logistics/details Get a Shipment Info GET http://localhost:8080/turvo/logistics/101 Add a new Shipment POST http://localhost:8080/turvo/logistics/add Update the Shipment Info PUT http://localhost:8080/turvo/logistics/update Delete the Shipment Info DELETE http://localhost:8080/turvo/logistics/102
Sample Payload: { "shipmentId": 102, "shipmentCode": 10011, "title": "Spring Boot Getting Started", "shipmentMethod": "Water", "fromAddress": "address1", "toAddress": "address2", "expectedDate": "2017-08-11", "status": "Packed", "message": "Order packed" }
User Repository Endpoints: Get all the Users Info GET http://localhost:8080/turvo/user/details Get a Shipment Info GET http://localhost:8080/turvo/user/details/101 Add a new User POST http://localhost:8080/turvo/user/add Update the Shipment Info PUT http://localhost:8080/turvo/user/update Delete the Shipment Info DELETE http://localhost:8080/turvo/user/103
Sample Payload { "name": "SunilS", "aadhar": "123456784121", "email": "[email protected]", "number": "+919505823652", "by_Web": true, "by_Email": false, "by_SMS": false, "shipment_Delivered": false, "shipment_Created": true, "shipment_Running_Late": false, "shipment_Shipped": false, "shipment_Packed": false }
To Receive the Web Notification follow the below steps:
- Change the user name / password properties for mySql connection.
- Run the Application
- Initial load will happen for payments and users information.
- Open any Web and point to : http://localhost:8080
- Now you should be able to see the User Number and Connect/Disconnect buttons
- Please enter your user number (Only Numbers: ex: 101/ 102/103)
- Click on Connect button.
- Create a new Shipment Or Update an exising one with any of the following status a. Created b. Packed c. Shipped d. RunningLate e. Delivered
- Along with that you can also specify a custom message in the payload.
- Using the sample payload using any REST Client POSTMAN/RESTClient.
- Notification should be visible to user.
- If the use is configured to receive Email and SMS notifications, then an email must be sent to the user and an SMS will be delivered to the configured user number
- You can change the user subscription and notification option using the user payload
- Hit the Clear button to clear any previous notifications.