Polybot is the development robot used by FRC team 5468 to prototype new systems and structures.
- Clone to your computer
- Import the project into eclipse
- Start coding!
Playing around with the code and implemented your ideas is highly encouraged, however there are a few ground rules.
No matter what the master branch should always be in a state as that it can be downloaded, compiled, and run, on the robot without having to change anything. If you want to make changes please do so in your own branch.
This one is pretty self explanitory. Just title your branch in a way that if someone has no idea what you are working on they could get a pretty good idea from just the branch title.
For centralization reasons everyone will be added as a contributer to the project. This will help us keep all of our changes on a single repository for easier collaboration. This also, however, means that you can merge your branch into master without any code review or revisions. When you submit a pull request please don't merge it yourself; go find your team lead and alert them that you submitted a request and we will get around to reviewing it as quickily as possible. Even the team leads will be following this rule, so don't go and break it.
Remember that anyone is allowed to comment and discuss pull requests. We want this to be an open forum for discussion.
We will be using the google java style guide, which can be found here. Don't worry about the non formatting sections. The only change is to just used a single tab for indents, don't worry about the number of spaces to use. It's not a big deal if you dont' follow the style guide to the point, but for everyone's sanity it is strongly encouraged to follow it as closely as possible.
Hopefully you noticed that most of the rules only relate to the master branch. What this means is that as long as it is in your own branch you can do whatever you want. Feel free to experiment, break things, and try new ideas.
Say you want to change the button used to close the grabber. The basic workflow will look something like this.
- Open a new branch
- Make your changes and commit them to the branch
- Submit a pull request
- Wait for comments and make any necessary changes
Once your pull request is aproved it will be merged into the master branch. Congratulations! You've just made your own change to the offical robot code.
A: Don't worry! Simply report an issue on the issue tracking tab, then if you know who wrote that section go tell them in person that you submitted an issue to look at.
A: While unlikely this can happen. Just go and tell one of the leads at the next meeting and we will get to it asap.
A: Branch and try it! There is no reason not to play around with any ideas you come up with.