This application uses Blazor Server side, .net Core, it is similar to MVC in many ways, and gives many interesting opportunities. Some information about differences can be found here:
- Mudblazor components for Blazor :
- RestEase for API Service :
- FluentValidation
- ServiceStack.Text for CSV export
- .NET 5.0
- Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio Code (For code check)
- Fill the needed information in the appsettings.json (ClientId and ClientSecret) in MusicPrefApp.UI directory
- execute "dotnet run" command in directory MusicPrefApp(Root)\MusicPrefApp.UI via cmd.exe
- Run it using visual studio code or visual studio 2019 with or without debugger
- UI uses AppState for keeping the application states and refreshing correct components
- Some questions are dependant on each other (dynamic check options creation)
- UI part is not polished enough - it can have some common components
- To Add a new question, you need to implement IQuestion interface and then create UI component for it