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πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸ’» Development Guide

Strypper Vandel Jason edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 5 revisions

How to create demo page for a control in Gallery πŸ“

The steps

  • Create a folder under Gallery/Pages/{control-group}
    • folder name must be the control name
    • control group can be BuiltIn, Syncfusion, etc.
  • Create
    • a ControlInfo class
    • a XAML page
    • a VM class

e.g A demo page for Button built-in control will have below structure


class diagram

  ButtonPage ..|> IControlPage: declares
  BasePage <|-- ButtonPage: extends
  ButtonControlInfo ..|> IControlInfo: declares
  NavigationAwareBaseViewModel <|-- ButtonPageViewModel: extends
  ButtonPage o-- ButtonPageViewModel: BindingContext
  ButtonPage .. ButtonControlInfo: route name
  class IControlInfo
  <<interface>> IControlInfo
  class IControlPage
  <<interface>> IControlPage
  class NavigationAwareBaseViewModel
  <<abstract>> NavigationAwareBaseViewModel
  class BasePage
  <<abstract>> BasePage
  class ButtonPage
  class ButtonControlInfo
  class ButtonPageViewModel

.NET Cake 🍰 - Use script

dotnet cake --group DESIRE_GROUP --name CONTROL_NAME --cardDetail CARD_DETAIL --originalDocumentUrl URL

Available groups πŸ“‚

Card Detail ℹ️

CARD_DETAIL - Provide details and information for this card ℹ️, you should copy the overall stuff from the original documentation.

Original document URL πŸ“„

URL - Provide the card's original documentationπŸ“„

NOTE: We can add any new group we want.