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StochTree Documentation Source Code and Build Workflows

Building the Docs Locally


Cloning the repo

First, you will need the stochtree repo on your local machine. Navigate to the documentation repo in your terminal (replace ~/path/to/documentation with the path to the documentation repo on your local system).

cd ~/path/to/documentation

Now, recursively clone the main stochtree repo into a stochtree_repo subfolder of the documentation repo

git clone --recursive [email protected]:StochasticTree/stochtree.git stochtree_repo

Setting up build dependencies

The docs are largely built using mkdocs, pkgdown and doxygen, with everything tied together using the "Material for MkDocs" theme.

We first create a virtual environment and install the dependencies for stochtree as well as the doc site (several python packages: mkdocs-material, mkdocstrings-python, and mkdocs-jupyter).

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now, we build the stochtree python library locally in the virtual environment activated above

cd stochtree_repo
pip install .
cd ..

To use pkgdown, you need to install R. One R is installed, make sure the dependendencies of the pkgdown build are installed

Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("remotes", "devtools", "roxygen2", "ggplot2", "latex2exp", "decor", "pkgdown", "cpp11", "BH", "doParallel", "foreach", "knitr", "Matrix", "MASS", "mvtnorm", "rmarkdown", "testthat", "tgp"), repos="")'

Building the R docs

To build the R docs, first run a script that lays out the package as needed

cd stochtree_repo
Rscript cran-bootstrap.R 1 1 1
cd ..

Then run the pkgdown build workflow to put the R docs in the correct folder

mkdir -p docs/R_docs/pkgdown
Rscript -e 'pkgdown::build_site_github_pages("stochtree_repo/stochtree_cran", dest_dir = "../../docs/R_docs/pkgdown", install = TRUE)'
rm -rf stochtree_repo/stochtree_cran

Building the doxygen site for the C++ API

First, ensure that you have doxygen installed. On MacOS, this can be done via homebrew (i.e. brew install doxygen).

Then, modify the Doxyfile to build the C++ documentation as desired and build the doxygen site

sed -i '' 's|^OUTPUT_DIRECTORY *=.*|OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = ../docs/cpp_docs/|' stochtree_repo/Doxyfile
sed -i '' 's|^GENERATE_XML *=.*|GENERATE_XML = NO|' stochtree_repo/Doxyfile
sed -i '' 's|^GENERATE_HTML *=.*|GENERATE_HTML = YES|' stochtree_repo/Doxyfile
mkdir -p docs/cpp_docs/
cd stochtree_repo
doxygen Doxyfile
cd ..

Copying Jupyter notebook demos to the docs directory

cp stochtree_repo/demo/notebooks/supervised_learning.ipynb docs/python_docs/demo/supervised_learning.ipynb
cp stochtree_repo/demo/notebooks/causal_inference.ipynb docs/python_docs/demo/causal_inference.ipynb
cp stochtree_repo/demo/notebooks/heteroskedastic_supervised_learning.ipynb docs/python_docs/demo/heteroskedastic_supervised_learning.ipynb
cp stochtree_repo/demo/notebooks/multivariate_treatment_causal_inference.ipynb docs/python_docs/demo/multivariate_treatment_causal_inference.ipynb
cp stochtree_repo/demo/notebooks/serialization.ipynb docs/python_docs/demo/serialization.ipynb
cp stochtree_repo/demo/notebooks/tree_inspection.ipynb docs/python_docs/demo/tree_inspection.ipynb
cp stochtree_repo/demo/notebooks/prototype_interface.ipynb docs/python_docs/demo/prototype_interface.ipynb

Building the overall website

To build and preview the site locally, run

mkdocs serve

To build the files underlying the static site, run

mkdocs build


Documentation website for the StochTree package






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