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Story App - Luke, Tess and Max


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  • Stoaree is an online platform allowing users to share and create compelling interviews easily with another individual based off Mark Howards line of questions. After Mark Howard created his podcast "Howie Games" which has amassed up to 20 million listens he started to get contacted to interview the loved ones of his listeners who were either sick or elderly and to capture their story and how they came to be who they're today. This soon lead to the idea of Stoaree. The purpose of Stoaree is to allow users to easily capture compelling stories from family members, friends or interesting people based off the questions Mark asks in his podcasts. Along with capturing the stories it also becomes a place to share them with the world. A social aspect allowing users to listen to stories around them. Mark wants to also capture the important memories in people's lives and allow them to easily share them amongst family members and store them in one place.

Functionality / features

  • The functionality and features of the application is heavily based around audio and the telling of a story. The functionality of the application is to allow the user to perform the task of recording an story based on the questions asked through the application. Depending on each response by the user will depend on the questions asked through the application. The features of Stoaree will be:
  1. Allowing the user to start and stop recordings based on questions seen on the screen,
  2. Store stories which they have recorded on their profile,
  3. Browse other stories and listen to other stories on the application,
  4. Delete stories,
  5. Browse other user profiles,
  6. Keep stories private if users do not wish to share them,
  7. Give stories tags making it easier to search/filter,
  8. Search and find particular stories and/or users

Target audience

  • The target audience of Stoaree is between the ages of 40 - 70 both men and women. The target audience currently has a family and has progressed into their career, they now are beginning to think about what they're wanting to leave behind for their family as well as gaining all the information about their parents so their grandchildren can understand who they were as a person and get an understanding of what they went through in their lifetime.

  • Though Stoaree is directed at an older demographic, there is a burgeoning younger community involved with podcasts and Youtube. We would like to get them sharing stories and connecting with people of all demographics, providing the service with as many meaningful stories as possible.

Tech stack

  • MERN
  1. Node.js
  2. Express.js
  3. React.js
  4. MongoDB / Mongoose
  • Heroku - Backend deployment
  • Netilfy - Front-end deployment
  • AWS - Cloud storage for audio files and images



  • react including react-dom and react-scripts - The app's front-end was built primarily in React as per the assignment specifications. React provides a reactive user interface through JavaScript and JSX.
  • axios - This library is for making HTTP requests. It was used as a more compact way of writing requests than using fetch, and also because creating an Axios instance makes it easy to include login tokens for every request to the server.
  • howler and react-howler - Howler is a library that allows the user to play audio files on a web page. It is used to play all audio files in a story one after the other, allowing the user to pause playback.
  • react-mic - This library allows the user to start and stop recording audio from the microphone, and stores the audio to allow the app to process it. -- react-router-dom - This library is used to define the front-end routes accessible by the user, and create navigation links.
  • redux and react-redux - Redux is a framework that provides a central "store" of values that can be accessed and modified from anywhere in the app. This negates the need for unnecessary props being passed down a line of React components.
  • redux-form - This library is used to create responsive forms, allowing the handling of form validation.
  • universal-cookie - This library provides a way to store and retrieve cookies for a React app.
  • Cypress - Cypress is a end-to-end testing framework that makes user testing easy to implement and record your results.


  • express - The server was built primarily in Express as per the assignment specifications. Express is used to define the back-end routes and communicates with the database to retrieve and process data.
  • aws-sdk - This is a library used for interaction with AWS storage. It allows files to be processed and uploaded to an S3 bucket on AWS.
  • bcrypt - This is an encryption library used for user passwords. It allows submitted passwords to be stored as hashes, and can compare login credentials to the hashed passwords.
  • cors - This library prevents CORS policy from blocking incoming requests from the front-end.
  • dotenv - This library allows access to environment variables, so that sensitive information such as secret keys and database passwords are not visible in code.
  • http-errors - This library provides a shorthand for creating HTTP errors. It is used primarily in authentication where the error messages are sent and displayed to the user on the front-end.
  • jsonwebtoken - This app uses JSON web tokens for user authentication. Upon successful login, a JWT is generated and returned, to be used as an authorization header for future requests to the server.
  • mongoose - This library is used to interact with the MongoDB database used in the app. Mongoose is used to specify schema validations as well as retrieve and update data in the database.
  • mongoose-unique-validator - This library is used to add a uniqueness validator to Mongo schema fields . The user's email address is used as a login credential, so it is essential
  • jest and supertest - These libraries used to create and run automated tests that utilise the Express server and provide coverage reports.

How to run servers and tests locally

Downloading and installing dependencies

  • Clone down both stoaree_frontend-- and stoaree_backend-- repositories.
  • cd into stoaree_backend-- and run npm install
  • cd into stoaree_frontend-- and run yarn install

Running the backend and frontend locally

  • cd into stoaree_backend-- and run npm start
  • cd into stoaree_frontend-- and run yarn start

Running frontend tests

  • cd into stoaree_frontend-- and run yarn start
  • cd into stoaree_backend-- and run npm start
  • In another instance of terminal - cd into stoaree_frontend-- and run yarn run cypress open
  • A new browser instance will be opened in Cypress. Click the 'run all specs' button to run all tests.
  • A score of the total coverage is stored in ./coverage/lcov-report/index/index.html
  • Open this in your browser to read the score.

Running backend tests

  • In .env, change either DB_URI or DB_NAME so that Mongoose is pointing toward a fresh database (it will be wiped clean before the tests are run)
  • cd into stoaree_backend-- and run npm test
  • A score of the total coverage is stored in /coverage/lcov-report/index.html

Admin user

  • A user has to be manually given admin status directly through Mongo, by adding the field isAdmin: true to a user in the database.
  • Admin users have access to the admin dashboard at /admin where the master list of questions can be manipulated.

Manual Testing

User Screen Testing

Local Host Manual Testing

Data Flow Diagram

The first diagram is an overview of data flow throughout the whole app, while the other diagrams go into further detail about processes occurring within the app.

Data Flow Diagram - Overview Data Flow Diagram - Story Processes Data Flow Diagram - User Processes

Application Architecture Diagram

Application Architecture Diagram

User Stories

  • Persona 1:

    • Hi, I'm John a 40 year old, living in Melbourne, Victoria. I'm currently married to my wife Alice and we have twin boys aged 4 and 1 girl aged 7. After recently finding out that my Dad was very sick and only had a number of years to live I became very interested capturing his story so that my children could understand what my Dad was like and how he became who he is today.

      • As John I want to record and capture great stories of loved ones, friends and interesting people so that I can share them amongst family.

      • As John I want to browse and listen to particular stories in my area so that I can expand my knowledge and understanding of what other people have gone through.

      • As John I want to be able to save stories that I like so that I can come back to them at a later date.

      • As John, I want to be able to share stories about my Dad to only my family and friends.

      • As John, I find it hard to ask the right questions so I can get the most information out of my Dad.

      • As John, I want to add tags to my stories so people can easily find them when searching for similar stories.

  • Persona 2:

    • Hi, I'm Bridget a 30 year old living in rural Victoria. I'm currently working full time as a receptionist and living with my boyfriend. Having grown up in rural Victoria I have had a yearn to know more about what other people in different parts of the world have gone through. I love understanding how people came to be who they are through their struggles, people they meet and paths they take in life. My dream as a child I wanted to be a journalist travelling around the world discovering stories.

      • As Bridget, I want to browse and listen to particular stories around the world so they I can expand my knowledge and get an understanding of what other people have gone through.

      • As Bridget, I want to save interesting and touching stories so that I can come back and listen to them when I want.

      • As Bridget, I want to be able to share touching and interesting stories with my boyfriend and social network so I can make them aware of what is out there in the world.

      • As Bridget, I want to be able to interview interesting people to create amazing stories.

      • As Bridget, I want to be able to share my stories I create to a global audience quickly and easily.

  • Persona 3:

    • Hi, I'm Noah a 15-year-old boy living in metropolitan Melbourne. I'm currently creating my own podcast and launching my Youtube channel and in year 9 VCE. I am looking for ways to develop my interview and presenting persona so I can be a successful content creator in the future. I love watching other content creators and trying to keep up with all the latest podcasts.

      • As Noah, I like that I can use the app to interview people for free and get my content out to the masses.

      • As Noah, Stoaree helps me keep up to date with the latest stories trending on the internet.

      • As Noah, I want to browse the profiles of people with interesting stories so I can see more of their work.

  • Persona 4:

    • Hi, I'm Alex, a 50 year old living in Sydney. I have been through several different careers in my life that have taken me across the country and I have learned a lot of things from my experiences. My son (who lives in Melbourne) suggested that I record some of my experiences to share with his colleagues, but I am not well-versed enough with technology to know how to do this on my own.

      • As Alex, I want to be able to record my story through a straightforward and easy-to-use interface so that I don't have to bother with any complicated recording software.

      • As Alex, I want to have questions provided for me so I can more easily organise how to tell my story.

      • As Alex, I want to be able to make my story private because I want more control over who listens to my story.

      • As Alex, I want to be able to easily navigate the app on my smartphone, since I don't own a desktop computer.

Wire frames for multiple standard screen sizes, created using industry standard software

Desktop Design

Desktop Design

Desktop Design

Desktop Design

Desktop Design

Desktop Design

Desktop Design

Desktop Design

  • Below is the wire frames for a mobile device:

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Screenshots of your Jira board throughout the duration of the project

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress

Jira Progress


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