Generate a basic package-lock.json package inventory from a pnpm project
This tool uses the pnpm cli to output a list of all packages, then parses and converts that list into a package-lock.json equivalent. The conversion isn't perfect, as some data doesn't exist in the pnpm output that does in the package-lock.json, but it serves its purpose.
The output is useful for dependency scanning tools which don't have pnpm support, such as Snyk or Semgrep Supply Chain. Note this is not bidirectional, i.e. you cannot edit the package-lock.json and convert those changes back to pnpm (for example, Dependabot needs to edit the package-lock.json to add automatic fixes, which this won't help with).
This tool is a quick and dirty POC, not intended to be feature-rich or perfect. PRs will be considered, but Issues are unlikely to receive attention except for issues directly impacting Stitch.
go install
A linux amd64 build can be retrieved from Releases, which will always reflect the Main branch.
pnpm list
outputs an unabridged list of every dependency, including duplicates. So if you have 3 packages that each depend on a package with 500 dependencies, your output will have 1500 extra dependencies. This snowballs out of proportion fast, and the only solution is to parse them all. Don't worry, this tool de-dupes them before outputting the package-lock.json, but still needs to parse all of the JSON from pnpm.