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Made with ❤️ by Angus Henderson and David Beechey

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Google Drive App Script

"Buy Me A Coffee"

Highly customisable online course choice form for high schools. This has been developed internally for Stirling High School, a Scottish high school, however the core system is extremely customisable, making it ideal for (mostly) every school's course choice use cases. All form responses are stored in a Google Sheet, and all customisation can be done through a separate configuration spreadsheet.

If you want to support the development of this project, please donate to Angus and David via Buy Me a Coffee! Your support would mean the absolute world to us! :D
"Buy Me A Coffee"

If you're a school looking to maximise the potential of this system, please contact either of us directly ([email protected] or [email protected]). We're happy to discuss your needs and help you modify this into a customised solution. Some examples may be: a completely customised form; email aliases; custom response formatting; custom domain deployments; or customised branding.

Identification of users uses Google OAuth, which will require each of your schools students to have their own school Google Account. If you are a Google for Education school, this is yet another reason to use this service, however if you're not, it's not recommended that you use this system in its raw state, however, feel free to contact us at the email addresses above where we'll be more than happy to discuss system customisations. Alternatively, if you, or anyone in your school has some programming experience, feel free to fork this repository and alter it to suit your schools needs!

Core Features

  • ⚙ Easily configurable course choices and levels
  • 📝Additional form fields to gather additional information from students (e.g. career aspirations and expected destinations)
  • 🏅Wider achievement options
  • 📧Student email confirmations
  • 🧼Extremely clean design
  • 🚧Easily scalable across multiple year groups
  • ⏳ Save hours of admin time


Shown below are some key sections from the form configured for Stirling High School to give you a demo of what this system can look like!

Tech Stack Overview

  • Google App Script: Whilst a slightly unconventional choice for backend languages, the simple integration with Google Sheets made it an ideal language for us to quickly develop a configuration dashboard, and insert form responses into a Google Sheet.
  • React: Extremely popular frontend Javascript framework which allowed us to build a highly customisable form, styled using Tailwind CSS.
  • Firebase: For hosting our webapp, and handling all user authentication via Google OAuth. The excellent free tier means we don't pay anything for these services.

Spreadsheet Format Overview

Course choice form deployments are broken down into 3 parts: the overarching project configuration; the individual year configuration; and the individual year form responses. This section gives a summary of the spreadsheets, the section below discusses how to set them up using the templates provided.

Super Configuration

Technically speaking, this allows the API to route requests to the correct year group form. It also gives you the ability to set whether the individual forms are live or not from one dashboard, as well as centralise common configuration, such as available course levels. In this spreadsheet, on the Course ID Map sheet, you configure the routing to all subsequent spreadsheets, which are discussed below.

When deploying the project for your school, you only need to create one Super Configuration spreadsheet. Its this spreadsheet that will handle all relationships between the API and other individual year group spreadsheets.

Year Configuration

As each year group is likely offered different course options and levels, fine grain control is offered to each year group course choice form. Under the Course Choices sheet, you can configure the available courses and levels that are available for that year group to take. These are checkboxes, listed from C column to the right, and the column headings match those specified under the display_name column in the Course Levels sheet found in the Super Configuration Dashboard. If a year group is able to take a level for this course, simply check the box. There are notes on each heading and config attribute to let you know what they do in more depth.

Year Form Responses

Responses from individual year groups are stored within separate spreadsheets.

Setup Guide

There are 3 main phases to this setup guide, with some additional optional steps at the end to elevate your students experience using the service.

Spreadsheet Setup

Google Drive

All spreadsheets which are required for this part of the setup can be found within the Generic Spreadsheet Templates of the above Google Drive folder. Make a copy of these files to the Google Account you wish to deploy the API from. As these are just Google Sheets, feel free to share them with other members of staff, especially the Form Responses sheet, although its recommended to keep the Configuration sheets more private to avoid any accidental modifications.

If you would like to see an example deployment (how Stirling High School has used the system), checkout the Example Deployment folder. The file structure documented in this folder is how we would recommend using the system, in order to keep everything organised. To explain it here, we recommend creating a dedicated folder in your Google Drive called something like Course Choice Forms, then adding the Super Configuration Spreadsheet to this root directory. Then, create sub folder for each year group you would like to have a course choice form for, populating each sub-folder with an individual Form Configuration spreadsheet and Form Responses spreadsheet. The following setup guide will help you populate these spreadsheets. Please note most sheets have notes on cells discussing their uses.

You'll notice that the spreadsheets in the Drive folder have data pre populated. This is to make it easier for you to get started, and to understand how the system works, however feel free to delete it. If you ever need to see an example deployment, you can always find it in the Example Deployment folder.

Populate all of these spreadsheets that you have just created with values appropriate for the course choices which your school offers. We'd recommend starting with one year group, then scaling the system to additional year groups from there. Later, once you have the website setup, make sure to try out the form and make sure the values appear as you would expect, and are inserted into the Form Response spreadsheet correctly (make sure to delete these responses before you share the site with students). If you notice any anomalies, refer back to this guide and make sure you have entered all data correctly.

It's imperative that you don't rename the sheets in any of these spreadsheets. They are effectively id's. Do feel free to add your own additional sheets, especially in the form responses spreadsheet should you wish to do your own filtering, however they cannot be named the same as any of the existing sheets. The system will be unable to process requests if these names are changed!

API Setup

App Script

  1. As mentioned previously, the entire backend is built using Google App Script. To get started, you need to clone the Google App Script project to your Google Account. To do this, click the App Script link above, which will take you to the project. Press the Overview tab (the i icon on the left hand side of the screen), then Make a copy (the copy icon in the top right of the screen). This will make a copy of the project in your Google Drive. You can now close this tab. Open your Google Drive and find the cloned project, and move this file to the root project folder you created in the Spreadsheet setup, this will help keep everything in one place.
  2. Next, open the cloned project, and open the file (you'll see this on the left hand panel). On line 2 of this file, you should see something along the lines of: const ROOT_CONFIGURATION_SPREADSHEET_ID = "1laQGLcOqh0ukifaVeAjvBG7N9mWerIDB7tYOz1cZOa4";. Replace the id inside the quotation marks with the id of your root configuration spreadsheet (see spreadsheet setup if you don't have this id stored). Finally, save the file by either pressing Ctrl+S or pressing the save icon along the top bar.
  3. Now press Deploy (the blue button in the top right), and select new deployment. Press Web app in the left hand column (if this doesn't appear press the settings cog on the left, then select Web app from the dropdown menu). Enter PRODUCTION into the Description box. Under Execute as, select me (you should see your email address as well). Finally, set Who has access to Anyone, and press Deploy (blue box in bottom right).
  4. Once deployed, copy the Web App URL, you'll need this later when setting up the frontend.
  5. You can now close this Google App Script window (as long as you have the Web App url saved somewhere for later!)

Website Setup

  1. For our implementation, we deployed our website to Firebase because it offers free static hosting and is easy to set up, however you could deploy it to another service in a similar way. To create a Firebase project, go to the Firebase console and click Create a project. You can now name your project. You probably don't need Google Analytics so I'd recommend disabling it. On the project overview page, click the add app button. Give your app a name, and then take a note of the firebase config under "Firebase SDK".

  2. To configure the website, clone the course-choice-frontend folder from the GitHub repository to your computer. Open up the public folder - this is where the favicon (the icon shown in the browser tab) and some logos are contained. Go to this favicon converter and upload the logo you'd like to use for the course choice forms. When you click Download you'll get a zipped folder containing a few different files. Extract this folder and copy favicon.ico to the public folder to replace the existing file. Rename the files android-chrome-192x192 and android-chrome-512x512 to logo192 and logo512 respectively and copy them to the public folder too. Next, open index.html and manifest.json and replace "SHS Course Choice Forms" and "SHS Course Choice" in each file with the title of your website.

  3. Now, in the course-choice-frontend folder, create a file called .env. This will hold some configuration for the website. Add the following (replacing the right hand side):

    REACT_APP_API_URL=Paste the deployed Web App URL that you copied earlier
    REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY=apiKey from the firebaseConfig earlier
    REACT_APP_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN=authDomain from the firebaseConfig earlier
    REACT_APP_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=proectId from the firebaseConfig earlier
    REACT_APP_FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET=storageBucket from the firebaseConfig earlier
    REACT_APP_FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=messagingSenderId from the firebaseConfig earlier
    REACT_APP_FIREBASE_APP_ID=appId from the firebaseConfig earlier
    REACT_APP_GOOGLE_DOMAIN=The Google domain for your institution (end of the email address e.g.
  4. Next, you need to download and install Node.js. Once Node.js is installed, open up a command line in the course-choice-frontend folder (this can be done by right clicking inside the folder and selecting Open in terminal on Windows/Linux) and run the command npm install. This will install all of the dependencies required to build the website. Once this is completed, run npm run build. This will create a folder called build.

  5. Now we can deploy to Firebase! First, run npm install -g firebase-tools to install the Firebase CLI. When it has finished installing, run firebase login to log in. Once logged in, we can initialise the project by running firebase init:

    1. First, select "Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites"
    2. Choose the option "Use an existing project" and press enter.
    3. Select the Firebase project you just created.
    4. Type build as the public directory folder.
    5. When asked if we want to configure as a single-page app type y and press enter.
    6. If it asks whether you'd like to override build/index.html, type n and press enter.

    That's the hosting set up! Now run firebase deploy to publish the website to the web!

Additional Configuration Setup

The following steps are not required for initial setup, however could be useful for the future, if you wish to use this form system for additional year groups, or offer additional course levels.

Adding a New Year Group Form

Google Drive

It's important that you follow the below steps very carefully to make sure that you get everything up and running correctly.

  1. Enter your folder in Google Drive where all your course choice configuration is stored and create a new folder for the new year group (e.g. S1-2, S2-3 etc).
  2. Now, go to the Google Drive link above and make a copy of the Form Response Template and Year Form Configuration Dashboard Template into this newly created folder. Feel free to name them whatever you like, just make sure they'll make sense when you look at them in the future.
  3. Open up these 2 spreadsheets, and the super configuration spreadsheet in the root project directory. You'll need to add a new row to the Course ID Map sheet in the super configuration, make sure the id is unique and copy in the respective spreadsheet id's into the appropriate cells. Then go to the Course Choices Live sheet and add a new row, with the newly created ID and a checkbox, this is used to determine wether the course choice form is live or not, its probably best to leave it disabled for now, however make sure to enable it later.
  4. This is where you have to start making decisions about what you want the form to ask. Go to the newly created year group configuration spreadsheet.
    1. The template comes with the ability to offer wider achievement options. If you don't want this, leave the show_wider_achievement_options box unchecked. Now open the year form responses spreadsheet and delete the wider_achievement_options column (right click on the column header and select delete), you can also remove the Wider Achievement Choices sheet. If you do want to offer wider achievement options, make sure to populate the Wider Achievement Choices sheet with the options you want to offer. Also in the config sheet, populate wider_achievement_choice_count and wider_achievement_message.
    2. Whilst you're in the config sheet, read the notes of each key, and change the values to what you want them to be.
    3. Now, configure additional form response questions. To do so, open the Additional Form Fields sheet and add the rows which you require, make sure to read the column headings to ensure you fill out values correctly. Now, open the Form Responses sheet for this year group and add these newly created fields to the columns. List these to the right in row 1, and note that the names have to be all lower case and spelled exactly the same as they are in the Additional Form Fields sheet.
  5. Populate all the Spreadsheets you have just created with the appropriate data and courses which you offer. You may find it easier to copy data from other year groups, then modify them as needed for the new year group.
  6. Set this form to be live, then try it out. Fill out the form and make sure all the data is added to the responses spreadsheet correctly. If you notice anything out of place, revisit the above steps to ensure you have done everything correctly.

Adding a New Course Level

It's important that you follow teh below steps very carefully to make sure that you get everything up and running correctly.

  1. Open the Super Configuration Dashboard spreadsheet in the root project directory, then open the Course Levels spreadsheet. Add a new row to this sheet, and populate the cells appropriately (however over the column headers to get more information on what each column does).
  2. Open up all Year Configuration spreadsheets for all your year groups. Then, open the Course Levels sheet and add an additional column to the right, with the display name of the course just added in the column header (row 1). This must be spelled exactly the same as it appears in the Course Levels sheet in the Super Configuration Dashboard spreadsheet. You must populate the entire column with checkboxes. Initially, these can be all unchecked, but you can check them as you wish to offer the respective course level.
  3. Repeat step 2 for each year group

Made with ❤️ by Angus Henderson and David Beechey