Author: Steven Greenup
Date: 10.15.19
Coding Challenge
Write a command line program in the language of your choice that will take operations on fractions as an input and produce a fractional result.
Legal operators shall be *, /, +, - (multiply, divide, add, subtract)
Operands and operators shall be separated by one or more spaces
Mixed numbers will be represented by whole_numerator/denominator. e.g. "3_1/4"
Improper fractions and whole numbers are also allowed as operands
Example Command Lines
./ --string_equation "3_1/4 * 5_1/2"
./ --string_equation "3_1/4 * -5_1/2"
./ --string_equation "3_1/4 - 5_1/2 * 11/4"
./ --string_equation "3_1/4 / -5 + 11/4"
./ --string_equation "3_1/4"
./ --operand1 "3_1/4" --operator "*" --operand2 "3_1/4"
cd path/to/fraction_calc
python3 -m unittest discover