Package for converting whole slide image files to DICOM.
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation:
First, you need to install dicom_wsi and its dependencies. See this link for details.
To use dicom-wsi: .. code-block:: console
python dicom_wsi.cli -w <WSI File path> -o <OutputDirectory> -p <output file prefix> -y yaml/base.yaml
import dicom_wsi
dicom_wsi.dicom_wsi.create_dicom(cfg, pools=n_pools)
That's it! Most of the time you wan't need to change anything. But if you do, please see the example yaml file.
- Find out how to determine what FileMetaInformationGroupLength should be
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.