If you're looking for SimpleLight for the EZ Flash Omega Definitive Edition, check here:
Hello all!
I have been working on a new theme for the EZ-Flash Omega, and I call it Simple.
It is a nice rounded theme with both light and dark options, and allows for many, many more file types to be used, such as Master System and ZX Spectrum ROMs to be launched, along with the ability to view bitmap images, read text documents, and play music. (shoutouts to Kuwanger for PogoShell)
I completely redid all of the graphics, along with using a different font.
It also uses the 2019-05-04 version of Goomba Color, and has a save backup feature (shoutouts to Veikkos)
Hope everyone likes it!
Official forum thread:
Follow the installation instructions in the !!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!.TXT file in the GBAtemp package before reporting issues.
- Copy the SYSTEM and BACKUP folder to the root of the SD Card.
- Move your IMGS, SAVER, RTS, and PATCH folders to SYSTEM.
- If you want the light theme, copy ezkernel-light.bin to the root of the SD Card. If you want the dark thing, do the same with ezkernel-dark.bin
- Rename the new kernel file to ezkernel.bin
- You're done!
.gba - GBA ROM
.bin - GBA ROM
.mb - GBA Multiboot ROM
.agb - GBA ROM
.col - ColecoVision ROM (Requires Cologne) *
.gb - Game Boy ROM (Jaga's Goomba Color)
.gbc - Game Boy Color ROM (Jaga's Goomba Color)
.gg - Game Gear ROM (SMSAdvance)
.rom - MSX Cartridge ROM (MSXAdvance) **
.ngp - Neo Geo Pocket ROM (NGPAdvance)
.ngc - Neo Geo Pocket ROM (NGPAdvance)
.ngpc - Neo Geo Pocket Color ROM (NGPAdvance)
.nes - NES ROM File (PocketNES)
.pce - PC-Engine ROM File (PCEAdvance)
.sms - Sega Master System ROM File (SMSAdvance)
.sg - Sega SG-1000 ROM File (SMSAdvance)
.sv - Watara Supervision ROM File (Wasabi)
.ws - WonderSwan ROM File (SwanAdvance)
.wsc - WonderSwan Color ROM File (SwanAdvance)
.z80 - 48k ZX-Spectrum Z80 ROM (ZXAdvance)
.c8 - Chip-8 ROM (Chip8Adv (My First Emulator! :D))
.arc - 4kb Emerson Arcadia 2001 ROM File
.jpg - JPEG Image
.jpeg - JPEG Image
.mod - ProTracker Module file
.bmp - Bitmap Image
.pcx - ZSoft Paintbrush PCX image
.mid - MIDI sequence
.nsf - NES Music file (Nintendo Sound File)
.vgm - SMS/GG music file
.vga - aPlib Compressed SMS/GG music file
.vgl - LZ77 Compressed SMS/GG music file
.txt - Text Document
.wav - Wave Sound (formatted in GSM 6.10)
.k3m - Krawall Advance Sound
.sb - MaxMod sound bank
.lz - LZ77 Compressed Image
.raw - Uncompressed Mode 3 Bitmap
.ap - aPlib compressed Mode 3 Bitmap
.bgf - BoyScout module
.mda - Sharp X68000 Music
.cwz - CWZ Music (IDK what exactly it is, but it was included with PogoShell 1.2)
* For Cologne, you have to make the ROM yourself.
** MSXAdvance uses the C-BIOS, so I can redistribute the emulator.
- Download the latest version of Cologne.
- Open the EXE file.
- Take a blank file, and also add the Official Colecovision BIOS.
- Create col.gba in the PLUG folder.
- XBill (SG-1000)
- Sega Tween (SMS)
- WinGG (Game Gear)
- HuZERO (PC-Engine)
- 1968 (ZX-Spectrum)
- Adventures Of Gus and Rob (Neo Geo Pocket)
- Kaboom! (Homebrew) (ColecoVision)
- Motkonque (MSX)
- SwanDriving (WonderSwan)
- F8Z (Chip-8)
- Install devkitPro
- Set the following environment variables to their correct directories:
- Comment or uncomment the
#define DARK
line indraw.h
. If uncommented, a dark theme is generated. - Run the command
. If done successfully, this should give you anezkernel.bin
file. - Follow the installation instructions above.
- Update your flashcart and enjoy! :)
Let's Emu!
EZ-FLASH - The original firmware & hardware creators
Kuwanger - PogoShell plugin integration
Sterophonick - SIMPLE theme for EZO & EZODE
fluBBa - SMSAdvance, MSXAdvance, Cologne for GBA, Goomba for GBA (Original), PCEAdvance, PocketNES, SNESAdvance, Wasabi, NGPAdvance, SwanAdvance
Jaga - Jaga's Goomba Color fork
...and others!