Welcome to Sanitarium.io, a facility for holding the criminally insane. Our archive exposes a JSON API, enabling you to query hand-curated data on horror movie antagonists.
Patient records contain an in-depth profile and previous criminal activity, including a list of known victims. Our facility basement is used to house our aquatic killers.
Installer: https://dl.google.com/go/go1.11.4.darwin-amd64.pkg
Workspace: /Users/stephencathcart/go/src
# /Users/stephencathcart/.bash_profile
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
# Install vendor
go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor
# Install packages
govendor sync
# Ensure build installs to bin
go install
cd {workspace}
go fmt ./...
Which will format all code in current directory and all of its subdirectories.
cd {workspace}
go test ./...
Which will run all tests in current directory and all of its subdirectories.
Environment variables:
- PORT: Set port number for local development. Heroku supplies a dynamic port.
- ENV: Set to DEV for local development. Used to configure api subdomain host.
cd {workspace}
PORT=8000 ENV=DEV go run main.go
Which will run the application.
Frontend: http://lvh.me:8000
API: http://api.lvh.me:8000/killers/random
User: [HIDDEN]
Installer: https://cli-assets.heroku.com/heroku.pkg
heroku --version
heroku login
heroku create sanitarium --region eu --buildpack heroku/go
heroku domains:add sanitarium.io --app sanitarium
heroku domains:add www.sanitarium.io --app sanitarium
heroku domains:add api.sanitarium.io --app sanitarium
host sanitarium.io
host www.sanitarium.io
git push https://heroku:{api-key}@git.heroku.com/sanitarium.git HEAD
User: [HIDDEN]
SSL: Flexible
Universal SSL Status: Active Certificate
Type | Name | *Value | TTL |
CNAME | api | [HIDDEN] | Automatic |
CNAME | sanitarium.io | [HIDDEN] | Automatic |
CNAME | www | [HIDDEN] | Automatic |
MX | sanitarium.io | [HIDDEN], priority: 10 | 1h |
MX | sanitarium.io | [HIDDEN], priority: 10 | 1h |
MX | sanitarium.io | [HIDDEN], priority: 5 | 1h |
MX | sanitarium.io | [HIDDEN], priority: 5 | 1h |
MX | sanitarium.io | [HIDDEN], priority: 1 | 1h |
TXT | sanitarium.io | [HIDDEN] | Automatic |
Note: CNAME values are dynamically generated by Heroku when a new domain is added.
Rule | URL Match | Type | Sub Type | Value |
1 | *www.sanitarium.io/ | Forwarding URL | 301 - Permanent Redirect | http://sanitarium.io |
2 | http://sanitarium.io/ | Always Use HTTPS | ... | ... |
Registrar: name.com
User: [HIDDEN]
Nameserver |
Enable Pipelines: true
Commiting to master will automatically deploy to Heroku.
Names | Value |
HEROKU_APP_NAME | sanitarium |
User: [HIDDEN]
Email: [HIDDEN]
User: [HIDDEN]