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Implementation of raytracing in implicitBVH.jl
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Jack-Grogan committed Nov 4, 2024
1 parent 79bb36a commit 9434775
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Showing 4 changed files with 132 additions and 84 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/ImplicitBVH.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ include("utils.jl")
Expand Down
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions src/bounding_volumes.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,66 @@ Check if two bounding volumes are touching or inter-penetrating.
function iscontact end

isintersection(b::BBox, p::Type{3, T}, d::Type{3, T})
isintersection(s::BSphere, p::Type{3, T}, d::Type{3, T})
Return True if ray intersects a sphere or box

# will go into bounding volumes
function isintersection end

# Examples
Simple ray bounding box intersection example:
using ImplicitBVH
using ImplicitBVH: BSphere, BBox, isintersection
# Generate a simple bounding box
bounding_box = BBox((0., 0., 0.), (1., 1., 1.))
# Generate a ray passing up and through the bottom face of the bounding box
point = [.5, .5, -10]
direction = [0, 0, 1]
isintersection(bounding_box, point, direction)
# output
Simple ray bounding sphere intersection example:
using ImplicitBVH
using ImplicitBVH: BSphere, BBox, isintersection
# Generate a simple bounding sphere
bounding_sphere = BSphere((0., 0., 0.), 0.5)
# Generate a ray passing up and through the bounding sphere
point = [0, 0, -10]
direction = [0, 0, 1]
isintersection(bounding_sphere, point, direction)
# output

center(b::BBox{T}) where T
Get the coordinates of a bounding volume's centre, as a NTuple{3, T}.
function center end

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,3 +462,75 @@ end
function iscontact(a::BBox, b::BSphere)
iscontact(b, a)

@inline function isintersection(b::BBox, p::AbstractVector, d::AbstractVector)

@boundscheck begin
@assert length(p) == 3
@assert length(d) == 3

T = eltype(d)

@inbounds begin
inv_d = (one(T) / d[1], one(T) / d[2], one(T) / d[3])

# Set x bounds
t_bound_x1 = (b.lo[1] - p[1]) * inv_d[1]
t_bound_x2 = (b.up[1] - p[1]) * inv_d[1]

tmin = minimum2(t_bound_x1, t_bound_x2)
tmax = maximum2(t_bound_x1, t_bound_x2)

# Set y bounds
t_bound_y1 = (b.lo[2] - p[2]) * inv_d[2]
t_bound_y2 = (b.up[2] - p[2]) * inv_d[2]

tmin = maximum2(tmin, minimum2(t_bound_y1, t_bound_y2))
tmax = minimum2(tmax, maximum2(t_bound_y1, t_bound_y2))

# Set z bounds
t_bound_z1 = (b.lo[3] - p[3]) * inv_d[3]
t_bound_z2 = (b.up[3] - p[3]) * inv_d[3]

tmin = maximum2(tmin, minimum2(t_bound_z1, t_bound_z2))
tmax = minimum2(tmax, maximum2(t_bound_z1, t_bound_z2))

# If condition satisfied ray intersects box. tmax >= 0
# ensure only forwards intersections are counted
(tmin <= tmax) && (tmax >= 0)

@inline function isintersection(s::BSphere, p::AbstractVector, d::AbstractVector)

@boundscheck begin
@assert length(p) == 3
@assert length(d) == 3

@inbounds begin
a = dot3(d, d)
b = 2 * (
(p[1] - s.x[1]) * d[1] +
(p[2] - s.x[2]) * d[2] +
(p[3] - s.x[3]) * d[3]
c = (
(p[1] - s.x[1]) * (p[1] - s.x[1]) +
(p[2] - s.x[2]) * (p[2] - s.x[2]) +
(p[3] - s.x[3]) * (p[3] - s.x[3])
) - s.r * s.r

discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c

if discriminant >= 0
# Ensure only forwards intersections are counted
return 0 >= b * c
return false
81 changes: 0 additions & 81 deletions src/rays.jl

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/raytrace/raytrace_gpu.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,17 +6,22 @@ function traverse_rays_nodes!(bvh, points, directions, src, dst, num_src, dst_of
virtual_nodes_before = 2 * virtual_nodes_level - count_ones(virtual_nodes_level)

block_size = options.block_size
num_blocks = (num_src + block_size - 1) ÷ block_size
backend = get_backend(src)

kernel! = _traverse_rays_nodes_gpu!(backend, block_size)
bvh.tree, bvh.nodes, points, directions,
src, dst, num_src, dst_offsets,
ndrange=num_blocks * block_size,

# We need to know how many checks we have written into dst
@allowscalar dst_offsets[level]

@kernel cpu=false inbounds=true function _traverse_rays_nodes_gpu!(
tree, nodes, points, directions,
src, dst, num_src, dst_offsets,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,7 +112,6 @@ function traverse_rays_leaves!(

# We need to know how many checks we have written into dst
@allowscalar dst_offsets[end]

Expand Down

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