First of all, thank for the original author of SimpleWallet which provides me a good foundation to work on. (I am totally new in AngularJS!) This is a serverless dapp wallet built for anyone who wants to send airdrop/candy over Ethereum to other parties. It allows the owner of the airdrop contract to withdraw token out of the airdrop, which means, you should send the tokens to the airdrop contract first.
- git - the open source distributed vcs.
- nodejs 5.0+ - Node.js JavaScript runtime.
- npm - A package manager for javascript.
- Knowledge about how to deploy a contract to Ethreum (e.g. Remix + Metamask, a nice tutorial is presented here)
These instructions assume you already got a deployed airdrop contract (the .sol file in contracts/) address and other info.
git clone
cd stella-airdrop/app
npm install
- Replace the contract address variables inside app/js/contracts-setup.js (note that network "1" represents the mainnet, "4" represents the Rinkeby testnet)
- Open index.html on any modern browser.
This project is licensed under the MIT License