This is an attempt to learn Kotlin/Android development. It was based majorly on . Many things were learned. Two way binding with ui interaction. Database is offline and loads from a json asset file.
- Learn the basics of MVVM in android
- Basics of dependency injection with Dagger 2
- Navigation/State management
- Testing (Instrumentation/Unit)
- File/Asset manipulation
- - Debugging Room Databases
- Espresso - Testing Runner
- Hamcrest - Tetsing Assertion
- Room - Databases
- Timber - Logging
- Using workmanager seed database on install only, from json asset file. (
- Dynamically build resourceid for use of binding ui images and links.(
- Grasped a basic understanding of mvvm architecture.
- Designed Custom Recycler ItemDecoration
- Created popup menu filter (
- Complete Instrumentation tests. Current issue applies - Tests pass one at a time fail together. (check current issues)
Once I get better at android development I have several goals for this app. I am taking a break from this app for a little while to experiment with different ideas.
- Create a more modular design, instead of a monolith approach.
- Create Instrumentation unit tests when I get better at testing.
- Implement a caught/stat to let user keep track of the ones caught
- Add more detail, like moves or routes caught on the detail page
- Add different sections, like moves/items