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- Every Ethereum Balance on Every Day
- Ethereum Address Number Growth
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- Top Bitcoin Balances
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- Transaction Throughput Comparison
- Shortest Path Between Addresses
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with double_entry_book as (
-- debits
select to_address as address, value as value
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces`
where to_address is not null
and status = 1
and (call_type not in ('delegatecall', 'callcode', 'staticcall') or call_type is null)
union all
-- credits
select from_address as address, -value as value
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces`
where from_address is not null
and status = 1
and (call_type not in ('delegatecall', 'callcode', 'staticcall') or call_type is null)
union all
-- transaction fees debits
miner as address,
sum(cast(receipt_gas_used as numeric) * cast((receipt_effective_gas_price - coalesce(base_fee_per_gas, 0)) as numeric)) as value
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.transactions` as transactions
join `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.blocks` as blocks on blocks.number = transactions.block_number
group by blocks.number, blocks.miner
union all
-- transaction fees credits
from_address as address,
-(cast(receipt_gas_used as numeric) * cast(receipt_effective_gas_price as numeric)) as value
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.transactions`
select address, sum(value) as balance
from double_entry_book
group by address
order by balance desc
limit 1000
Related article: https://medium.com/google-cloud/how-to-query-balances-for-all-ethereum-addresses-in-bigquery-fb594e4034a7
with double_entry_book as (
-- debits
select to_address as address, value as value, block_timestamp
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces`
where to_address is not null
and status = 1
and (call_type not in ('delegatecall', 'callcode', 'staticcall') or call_type is null)
union all
-- credits
select from_address as address, -value as value, block_timestamp
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces`
where from_address is not null
and status = 1
and (call_type not in ('delegatecall', 'callcode', 'staticcall') or call_type is null)
union all
-- transaction fees debits
miner as address,
sum(cast(receipt_gas_used as numeric) * cast((receipt_effective_gas_price - coalesce(base_fee_per_gas, 0)) as numeric)) as value,
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.transactions` as transactions
join `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.blocks` as blocks on blocks.number = transactions.block_number
group by blocks.number, blocks.miner, block_timestamp
union all
-- transaction fees credits
from_address as address,
-(cast(receipt_gas_used as numeric) * cast(receipt_effective_gas_price as numeric)) as value,
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.transactions`
double_entry_book_grouped_by_date as (
select address, sum(value) as balance_increment, date(block_timestamp) as date
from double_entry_book
group by address, date
daily_balances_with_gaps as (
select address, date, sum(balance_increment) over (partition by address order by date) as balance,
lead(date, 1, current_date()) over (partition by address order by date) as next_date
from double_entry_book_grouped_by_date
calendar AS (
select date from unnest(generate_date_array('2015-07-30', current_date())) as date
daily_balances as (
select address, calendar.date, balance
from daily_balances_with_gaps
join calendar on daily_balances_with_gaps.date <= calendar.date and calendar.date < daily_balances_with_gaps.next_date
select address, date, balance
from daily_balances
Related article: https://medium.com/google-cloud/plotting-ethereum-address-growth-chart-55cc0e7207b2
with double_entry_book as (
-- debits
select to_address as address, value as value, block_timestamp
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces`
where to_address is not null
and status = 1
and (call_type not in ('delegatecall', 'callcode', 'staticcall') or call_type is null)
union all
-- credits
select from_address as address, -value as value, block_timestamp
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces`
where from_address is not null
and status = 1
and (call_type not in ('delegatecall', 'callcode', 'staticcall') or call_type is null)
union all
-- transaction fees debits
miner as address,
sum(cast(receipt_gas_used as numeric) * cast((receipt_effective_gas_price - coalesce(base_fee_per_gas, 0)) as numeric)) as value,
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.transactions` as transactions
join `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.blocks` as blocks on blocks.number = transactions.block_number
group by blocks.miner, block_timestamp
union all
-- transaction fees credits
from_address as address,
-(cast(receipt_gas_used as numeric) * cast(receipt_effective_gas_price as numeric)) as value,
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.transactions`
double_entry_book_grouped_by_date as (
select address, sum(value) as balance_increment, date(block_timestamp) as date
from double_entry_book
group by address, date
daily_balances_with_gaps as (
select address, date, sum(balance_increment) over (partition by address order by date) as balance,
lead(date, 1, current_date()) over (partition by address order by date) as next_date
from double_entry_book_grouped_by_date
calendar AS (
select date from unnest(generate_date_array('2015-07-30', current_date())) as date
daily_balances as (
select address, calendar.date, balance
from daily_balances_with_gaps
join calendar on daily_balances_with_gaps.date <= calendar.date and calendar.date < daily_balances_with_gaps.next_date
select date, count(*) as address_count
from daily_balances
where balance > 0
group by date
Related article: https://medium.com/google-cloud/plotting-ethereum-address-growth-chart-55cc0e7207b2
with ether_emitted_by_date as (
select date(block_timestamp) as date, sum(value) as value
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces`
where trace_type in ('genesis', 'reward')
group by date(block_timestamp)
select date, sum(value) OVER (ORDER BY date) / power(10, 18) AS supply
from ether_emitted_by_date
Related article: https://medium.com/google-cloud/how-to-query-ether-supply-in-bigquery-90f8ae795a8
WITH double_entry_book AS (
-- debits
SELECT array_to_string(inputs.addresses, ",") as address, inputs.type, -inputs.value as value
FROM `bigquery-public-data.crypto_bitcoin.inputs` as inputs
-- credits
SELECT array_to_string(outputs.addresses, ",") as address, outputs.type, outputs.value as value
FROM `bigquery-public-data.crypto_bitcoin.outputs` as outputs
SELECT address, type, sum(value) as balance
FROM double_entry_book
GROUP BY address, type
LIMIT 1000
double_entry_book as (
array_to_string(outputs.addresses,',') as address,
value, block_timestamp
from `crypto-etl-bitcoin-prod.bitcoin_blockchain.transactions` join unnest(outputs) as outputs
union all
array_to_string(inputs.addresses,',') as address,
-value as value, block_timestamp
from `crypto-etl-bitcoin-prod.bitcoin_blockchain.transactions` join unnest(inputs) as inputs
double_entry_book_by_date as (
date(block_timestamp) as date,
sum(value * 0.00000001) as value
from double_entry_book
group by address, date
daily_balances_with_gaps as (
sum(value) over (partition by address order by date) as balance,
lead(date, 1, current_date()) over (partition by address order by date) as next_date
from double_entry_book_by_date
calendar as (
select date from unnest(generate_date_array('2009-01-03', current_date())) as date
daily_balances as (
select address, calendar.date, balance
from daily_balances_with_gaps
join calendar on daily_balances_with_gaps.date <= calendar.date and calendar.date < daily_balances_with_gaps.next_date
where balance > 1
address_counts as (
count(*) as address_count
group by date
daily_balances_sampled as (
select address, daily_balances.date, balance
from daily_balances
join address_counts on daily_balances.date = address_counts.date
where mod(abs(farm_fingerprint(address)), 100000000)/100000000 <= safe_divide(10000, address_count)
ranked_daily_balances as (
row_number() over (partition by date order by balance desc) as rank
from daily_balances_sampled
-- (1 − 2B) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient
1 - 2 * sum((balance * (rank - 1) + balance / 2)) / count(*) / sum(balance) as gini
from ranked_daily_balances
group by date
having sum(balance) > 0
order by date asc
Related article: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/introducing-six-new-cryptocurrencies-in-bigquery-public-datasets-and-how-to-analyze-them
DECLARE start_address STRING DEFAULT LOWER('0x47068105c5feff69e44520b251b9666d4b512a70');
DECLARE end_address STRING DEFAULT LOWER('0x2604afb5a64992e5abbf25865c9d3387ade92bad');
with traces_0 as (
select *
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces`
where from_address = start_address
traces_1_hop as (
1 as hops,
concat(traces_0.from_address, ' -> ', traces_0.to_address, ' -> ', traces_1.to_address) as path
FROM `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces` AS traces_1
INNER JOIN traces_0
ON traces_0.to_address = traces_1.from_address
AND traces_0.block_timestamp <= traces_1.block_timestamp
traces_2_hops as (
2 as hops,
concat(path, ' -> ', traces_2.to_address) as path
FROM `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces` AS traces_2
INNER JOIN traces_1_hop
ON traces_1_hop.to_address = traces_2.from_address
AND traces_1_hop.block_timestamp <= traces_2.block_timestamp
traces_3_hops as (
3 as hops,
concat(path, ' -> ', traces_3.to_address) as path
FROM `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.traces` AS traces_3
INNER JOIN traces_2_hops
ON traces_2_hops.to_address = traces_3.from_address
AND traces_2_hops.block_timestamp <= traces_3.block_timestamp
where traces_3.to_address = end_address
traces_all_hops AS (
select * from traces_1_hop
select * from traces_2_hops
select * from traces_3_hops
select *
from traces_all_hops
where hops = 3
limit 100
The query above will fail if there are too many traces. There is a workaround here https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery?sq=749871510730:082d50190dc04d79aaf7ee4d5c6f9d00
with bitcoin_throughput as (
-- takes transactions count in every block and divides it by average block time on that day
select 'bitcoin' as chain, count(*) / (24 * 60 * 60 / count(*) over (partition by date(block_timestamp))) as throughput, block_timestamp as time
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_bitcoin.transactions` as transactions
group by transactions.block_number, transactions.block_timestamp
order by throughput desc
limit 1
bitcoin_cash_throughput as (
select 'bitcoin_cash' as chain, count(*) / (24 * 60 * 60 / count(*) over (partition by date(block_timestamp))) as throughput, block_timestamp as time
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_bitcoin_cash.transactions` as transactions
group by transactions.block_number, transactions.block_timestamp
order by throughput desc
limit 1
ethereum_throughput as (
select 'ethereum' as chain, count(*) / (24 * 60 * 60 / count(*) over (partition by date(block_timestamp))) as throughput, block_timestamp as time
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.transactions` as transactions
group by transactions.block_number, transactions.block_timestamp
order by throughput desc
limit 1
ethereum_classic_throughput as (
select 'ethereum_classic' as chain, count(*) / (24 * 60 * 60 / count(*) over (partition by date(block_timestamp))) as throughput, block_timestamp as time
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum_classic.transactions` as transactions
group by transactions.block_number, transactions.block_timestamp
order by throughput desc
limit 1
dogecoin_throughput as (
select 'dogecoin' as chain, count(*) / (24 * 60 * 60 / count(*) over (partition by date(block_timestamp))) as throughput, block_timestamp as time
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_dogecoin.transactions` as transactions
group by transactions.block_number, transactions.block_timestamp
order by throughput desc
limit 1
litecoin_throughput as (
select 'litecoin' as chain, count(*) / (24 * 60 * 60 / count(*) over (partition by date(block_timestamp))) as throughput, block_timestamp as time
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_litecoin.transactions` as transactions
group by transactions.block_number, transactions.block_timestamp
order by throughput desc
limit 1
dash_throughput as (
select 'dash' as chain, count(*) / (24 * 60 * 60 / count(*) over (partition by date(block_timestamp))) as throughput, block_timestamp as time
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_dash.transactions` as transactions
group by transactions.block_number, transactions.block_timestamp
order by throughput desc
limit 1
zcash_throughput as (
select 'zcash' as chain, count(*) / (24 * 60 * 60 / count(*) over (partition by date(block_timestamp))) as throughput, block_timestamp as time
from `bigquery-public-data.crypto_zcash.transactions` as transactions
group by transactions.block_number, transactions.block_timestamp
order by throughput desc
limit 1
select * from bitcoin_throughput
union all
select * from bitcoin_cash_throughput
union all
select * from ethereum_throughput
union all
select * from ethereum_classic_throughput
union all
select * from dogecoin_throughput
union all
select * from litecoin_throughput
union all
select * from dash_throughput
union all
select * from zcash_throughput
order by throughput desc
Related article: https://medium.com/@medvedev1088/comparing-transaction-throughputs-for-8-blockchains-in-google-bigquery-with-google-data-studio-edbabb75b7f1
Check out this awesome repository: https://github.com/RokoMijic/awesome-bigquery-views