Online Voting System is a web-based application designed to facilitate electronic voting processes for various purposes, such as elections, surveys, or polls.
Frontend : HTML , CSS
Backend : PHP
Database : MySQL
Install XAMPP or WAMPP.
Open XAMPP Control panal and start [apache] and [mysql] .
Download project from github(
OR follow gitbash commands
cd C:\\xampp\htdocs\ git clone
Extract files in C:\xampp\htdocs.
Open link localhost/phpmyadmin
Click on new at side navbar.
Give a database name as (votingsystem) hit on create button.
Create a table named userdata containing a total of 8 attributes.
Attributes : id (int 11)[PRIMARY KEY] ; username varchar(100); mobile varchar(20) ; password varchar(100) ; photo varchar(100) ; standard enum('candidate','voter') ; status int(11) ; votes int(11).
NOTE - Here , the password field is not encrypted , it is in plain text format.
After creating table , open any browser and visit http://localhost/voting/index.php to get started.