This is the NIXOS configration of my pc
Once it start to work 100%, I will install it on my laptops
Hyprland - Works
Waybar - Config is in the wrong loction, Requires custom fonts to be found and installed
Rofi - Config is in the wrong loction
qt themes - have to be found and installed
VS CODE - Config is in the wrong loction
OBS - Config is in the wrong loction, Requires the phone udev rules to be fixed, plugins to be found and installed
Firefox - Config is done, Addons is still not done
Virt manager - Network is not working, Requires more Configs
Gpu passthrough - Requires some work
kernel based secretly parameters - Requires some work
Steam - Some games works and some not (missing runtime)
Proton Ge - Requires to be found and installed
Emulators - Requires to be installed and configured
Flatpak - Requires to be configured, current configration doesnt work
Default Apps. web browsor = chrome, media player = mpv, text editor = kate, Torrent = qbittorrent, File manager = nemo, Requires more configration
Bluetooh, Doesnt work, Requires configration
Audio, Requires custom udev rule to fix my gaming headset
Power menu, Requires to be moved to the proper loction
Ssh, Have to be configured with all of my devices
Kde connect, Have to be configured with all of my devices
Syncthing, Wrong Config, Doesnt work, Have to be configured with all of my devices
Printer, Doesnt work, Requires config
LibreOffice, Requries config + custom fonts to be found and installed
OnlyOffice, Requries custom fonts to be found and installed
Github Desktop, Crashs
Element Desktop, Crashs
Konsole, Requires to be moved to the proper loction