thunderdome is now being maintained by platinummonkey, please direct issues and pull requests to this repo:
thunderdome is an object-graph mapper (OGM) designed specifically for use with Titan ( via Rexster ( Thunderdome supports easily integrating Gremlin graph-traversals with vertex and edge models. For those already familiar with Blueprints ( there is a simple example.
$ pip install thunderdome
If you have questions, comments, or feature requests please visit the Google Group Thunderdome Users
A Vagrant virtual environment is provided with the thunderdome repository. This will setup a Titan/Rexster server in a virtual environment and provides an easy way to get up and running with thunderdome. To get the virtual environment up and running simply do the following:
$ cd path/to/thunderdome
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@precise64:~$ cd /vagrant
This will put you in the thunderdome directory in the vagrant box. You can now run the unit-tests or start playing around within the python shell.
Check out the Quick Start page for a simple introduction to working with thunderdome.
To get thunderdome unit tests running you'll need a rexster server configured with a thunderdome graph.