Basic TYPO3 sitepackage based on bootstrap_package
- Some additional configuration for bootstrap_package
- Language menu in the navbar
- Adds Klaro cookie banner
- A lot of templates and configuration for tx_news:
- List-View:
- Image left
- Image right
- Image top
- No Image
- Card left
- Card right
- Detail-View:
- Configuration for Lightbox Images
- Galery left
- Galery right
- Galery bottom
- Floating Galery left
- Floating Galery right
- List-View:
- typo3: ^9.5.25 or ^10.4.14
- bk2k/bootstrap-package: ^11.0.3
- georgringer/news: ^7.3
- t3/min: ^1.8
- wacon_cookie_management: ^1.1.7 or
- we_cookie_consent or
- dmind/cookieman: ^2.4
- causal/image_autoresize: ^2.0
- christophlehmann/imageoptimizer: ^2.0
- webp > 2.2.2
- lochmueller/staticfilecache: ^10.1
- urbantrout/site-language-redirection: ^2.1
- slug_autoupdate (for TYPO3 < 10)
- sourceopt ??
- schema
- Commit syntax is checked on each commit
- Super Linter is executed on each commit
Developed 2020 by Sven Kalbhenn
If you have any questions about this project or just want to talk: Send me a message [email protected]