This is an Air native extension for Google Play Games Services SDK on Android. It has been developed by FreshPlanet and is used in the game MoviePop.
The ANE binary (AirGooglePlayGamesServices.ane) is located in the bin folder. You should add it to your application project's Build Path and make sure to package it with your app (more information here).
You need to add the following in your AIR manifest, and replace YOUR_APP_ID by the app id of your Google Play Games Services (don't remove the "\ " at the beginning, otherwise it won't work):
<!-- GooglePlay Games Services -->
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="\ YOUR_APP_ID" />
<activity android:name="com.freshplanet.googleplaygames.SignInActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" />
// Initialize
AirGooglePlayGames.getInstance().addEventListener(AirGooglePlayGamesEvent.ON_SIGN_IN_SUCCESS, onSignInSuccess);
AirGooglePlayGames.getInstance().addEventListener(AirGooglePlayGamesEvent.ON_SIGN_OUT_SUCCESS, onSignOutSuccess);
AirGooglePlayGames.getInstance().addEventListener(AirGooglePlayGamesEvent.ON_SIGN_IN_FAIL, onSignInFail);
// Update Achievement
// with steps
AirGooglePlayGames.getInstance().reportAchievement(achievementId, step);
// without steps
// Update HighScore
AirGooglePlayGames.getInstance().reportScore(leaderbordId, value);
// Show Achivements
Should you need to edit the extension source code and/or recompile it, you will find an ant build script (build.xml) in the build folder:
cd /path/to/the/ane/build
mv build.config
#edit the build.config file to provide your machine-specific paths
This ANE has been written by [Thibaut Crenn]. It belongs to FreshPlanet Inc. and is distributed under the Apache Licence, version 2.0.