The Shallow Water Equations teaching code.
Extensive documentation and credit to the original authors is available in the Wiki
Additional authors: [Authors](@ref authorspageswe)
SWE is released under GPLv3 (see gpl.txt)
For most of these manuals to work it is required to use this project with a submodule of one of the following:
-, which is a fork from
- Any equivalent solver
- [Compilation](@ref compilepageswe)
- [Unit Testing](@ref testpageswe)
- [Running On HPC](@ref hpcpageswe)
- [Command Line Parameters](@ref paramspageswe)
Please also read the documentation of the used submodule (the F-Wave solver):
When used with a framework
- [Compilation](@ref compilepage)
- [Generating And Viewing The Data](@ref viewpage)
- [Linking The Documentation](@ref adddocpage)
- [IDE Integration](@ref idepage)
Standalone submodule operations
- [Unit Testing](@ref testpage)
- [Building The Documentation](@ref docpage)
- [Building The Presentation](@ref prespage)