This module is considered deprecated. A better variant of this module can be found at . That new module injects into the Android NFC process instead of the indivisual apps, which resolves the issues mentioned below.
LSPosed module to fix the NFC presence timeout of AOSP NfcNci
. Requires an Android phone and (e.g. via and Zygisk).
Do NOT try to inject this module into any app targeted by Shamiko / Magisk denylist or your smartphone WILL BOOTLOOP.
I am not responsible for any bricked smartphones or bootloops. Use at your own risk, and use your brain.
See :
In short, unless the
bundle configuration parameter inNFCAdapter::enableReaderMode
is set to something high like1000 ms
, the presented smartcard will be considered lost by the AOSPNfcNci
implementation, even though the card is still busy performing computations.
Many apps do not implement this, as the default proprietary NQNfcNci
implementation by NXP and Qualcomm die not have this issue. This LSPosed module patches selected apps and forces them to correctly set the Bundle parameter to one second.
More research at Governikus/AusweisApp#52 .
Currently targeted apps:
However any other apps which use NFCAdapter::enableReaderMode
should be patchable. Targeted apps have to be force-stopped before the module is applied after a fresh module installation.
If everything works as intended, Logcat will display messages like this:
2024-06-20 14:09:45.754 32614-32614 LSPosed-Bridge pid-32614 I Loading legacy module de.chrz.nfcpresencefix from /data/app/~~Jy37pL9n7r57U81hXmuK6w==/de.chrz.nfcpresencefix-f-Wof6gKROdt0NcogS6b0A==/base.apk
2024-06-20 14:09:45.795 32614-32614 LSPosed-Bridge pid-32614 I Loading class de.chrz.nfcpresencefix.NFCHook
2024-06-20 14:09:45.859 32614-32614 LSPosed-Bridge pid-32614 I I/NFCHook android.nfc.NfcAdapter found
2024-06-20 14:09:45.859 32614-32614 LSPosed-Bridge pid-32614 I I/NFCHook enableReaderMode found
2024-06-20 14:09:46.393 32614-32648 LSPosed-Bridge pid-32614 I I/NFCHook modified Bundle[{presence=1000}]
2024-06-20 14:09:46.488 32614-32648 LSPosed-Bridge com.governikus.ausweisapp2 I I/NFCHook modified Bundle[{presence=1000}]
The logs also show up in the LSPosed manager, via module logs.
You can download prebuilt APKs from the GitHub releases: .