Builder is a module of the trajectoread suite of tools designed to simplify deployment of applets and workflows on DNAnexus. It is a command-line tool that allows users to automatically build DNAnexus workflows based on JSON configuration files.
- Use JSON file to manage DNAnexus build environments
- Use JSON files to codify workflow configurations
- Build workflows
- Build applets
- Build workflows automatically
- Simplify new applet & workflow deployment
- Reduce deployment errors
- Python script used to build applets and workflows.
- builder.json: Configuration file with user-specific information describing DNAnexus build locations.
- workflows/fastqc_bwa-mem_gatk-genotyper.json: Sample configuration file used to generate a 3-step workflow.
This will guide you through the steps of installing builder, configuring the JSON file, and building a sample applet & workflow on DNAnexus.
Visit and follow instructions to install dx-toolkit.
git clone [email protected]:StanfordBioinformatics/trjread-builder.git
mv builder.json.template builder.json
Open builder.json file in a text editor and fill in DNAnexus environment information.
python -e develop -r aws:us-east-1 -a fastqc
python -e develop -r aws:us-east-1 -w workflows/fastqc_bwa-mem_gatk-genotyper.json