This repository implements SCOD, a mechanism to take any pre-trained neural network and a set of training data to construct an efficient characterization of epistemic uncertainty. The methods implemented here builds on work detailed in our paper
Sharma, Apoorva, Navid Azizan, and Marco Pavone. "Sketching Curvature for Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection for Deep Neural Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.12567 (2021).
This repo implements SCOD as a wrapper to an existing pytorch module. For example, if model
is a pytorch model, then we can construct a SCOD wrapper by calling
from scod import SCOD
# model is a torch.nn.Module that has already been trained
scod_model = SCOD(model)
Offline, SCOD processes a set of training data. SCOD assumes a probabilistic treatment of the model output, i.e. if z = model(x)
, then z is the parameter which defines a distribution over the targets y
. This map from z
to a probability distribution is represented in the framework through a scod.distributions.DistributionLayer
object, which acts like a torch network layer, but outputs a torch.distributions.Distribution
object rather than a tensor. SCOD provides DistributionLayers representing common choices for regression and classification tasks, e.g. interpreting z
as logits specifying a categorical distribution over the target classes y
# assuming a classification problem
from scod.distributions import CategoricalLogitLayer
# dataset is a object containing the training data
# assuming classification problem
dist_layer = CategoricalLogitLayer()
scod_model.process_dataset(dataset, dist_layer)
After processing the training data, SCOD can make predictions on test data. Instead of outputing a point estimate of z
, SCOD instead outputs a Gaussian predictive distribution over z
, specified by a mean and diagonal variance.
# x_test is a batch of test points, shape (N, d_x)
z_mean, z_var = scod_model(x_test)
# z_mean has shape (N, d_z), z_var has shape (N, d_z)
To use these predictions in the context of OOD detection, we can create a scod.OodDetector
object, which uses the Gaussian predictions on z
to estimate the overall entropy of the marginal distribution on the targets y
, a scalar quantity which can be thresholded to separate in-distribution from out-of-distribution data.
from scod import OodDetector
ood_detector = OodDetector(scod_model, dist_layer)
ood_signal = ood_detector(x_test)
# ood_signal has shape (N,)
The IPython notebooks in the demos/
folder provide an interactive demonstration of SCOD.