StackRduino M0+ PRO is an open source Development board based on the ATSAMD21G18 for Arduino & Circuit-Python packed with features & comes with many stackable shields
With support for Adafruit CircuitPython, Arduino IDE, and other libraries the StackRduino M0+ PRO is able to act as a single solution for all projects great and small.
- SAMD21G18 Processor. This is the same chip used in many Adafruit Feather designs.
- 256KB of FLASH + 32KB of RAM
- USB C power and data
- Built-in battery charger & LiPo Fuel Gauge
- 8MB Flash Storage for CircuitPython
- 32.768 KHz crystal for clock generation & RTC
- DUAL 3.3V regulator with 700mA peak current output each
- APDS9960 RGB, proximity and gesture sensor
- BME680 Environmental Sensor
- BNO055 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU
- You also get tons of pins - 20 GPIO pins
- Hardware Serial, hardware I2C, hardware SPI support
- PWM outputs on all pins
- 6X 12-Bit Analog Inputs
- 1X 10-bit analog ouput (DAC)
- Qwiic/STEMMA-QT connector for fast I2C connectivity