Repo for ICS3U1 Spring 2019 notes and examples. This is not an assignment repository. Please see specific assignment details for the proper repository to be creating/submitting your work.
Getting Things Set Up
Day to Day Procedures
Changing/Checking the Git User
Settings Things Up at Home
- From the upstream(parent) repository (StRobertCHSCS/ICS4U1c-2018-19), click on Fork at the top right of your screen.
- Choose your account to fork to.
- From your fork [your_account]/ICS4U1c-2018-19, click on the Clone or Download button (the green one on the right) and copy the URL
- In Pycharm, go to VCS --> Checkout from Version Control --> Git or from the Pycharm Welcome screen just Checkout from Version Control --> Git
- in the pop up that follows, paste in the URL and hit Clone
Do this when there are updates to pull from the upstream(parent) repository StRobertCHSCS/ICS4U1c-2018-19 (not your fork)
- first you will need to add and upstream remote (you only need to do this once)
- In Pycharm, VCS -> Remotes ... -> click + to add a remote
- In the popup:
- Name: upstream
- URL:
- Pull your changes from github: VCS -> pull ... -> select origin -> pull
- Pull changes from the upstream: VCS -> pull ... -> select upstream (select to merge the upstream/master) -> pull
- make the necessary changes to your code or other project files
- In the terminal (make sure you are in the directory of your project (type
on the terminal to verify your current directory): - add files for tracking: VCS -> add -> choose files that you will be editing
- commit changes: VCS -> commit ... > choose the files to commit, enter a short meaningful message in present tense about your changes`
- Do a final commit (see above)
- Push your changes to github: VCS -> Push ... -> select origin --> Push
Before you make any changes when working on the school laptops (class chromebooks), it's a good idea to check that you are the current git user.
- To check the current git user:
git config
- To change the current git user:
git config "your_git_username"
git config "your_git_account_email"
- Install git and make necessary settings/preferences changes in Pycharm (see instructions posted in class)
- Follow the steps above starting from 2) Clone Your Fork
- Day-to-day procedures are the same as above