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guillep committed Aug 19, 2024
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Showing 4 changed files with 238 additions and 17 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion Chapters/2-ObjectStructure/
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Expand Up @@ -424,9 +424,16 @@ For example, given a byte array with format 21 and slot size 10, we can compute
CompiledMethods are similar to byte arrays in terms of padding.
However, they use a different format so the runtime can differentiate them from normal byte arrays.

### Methods and Headers


### Classes


### The Special Objects Array

### Conclusion

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219 changes: 210 additions & 9 deletions Chapters/4-Interpreter/
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Expand Up @@ -582,25 +582,226 @@ We will slightly revisit this calling convention when introducing just-in-time c

### Interpreting Primitives

So far we have concentrated on interpreting bytecodes.
In this chapter section we concentrate on the interpretation of primitive methods.

### When the Lookup Fails
Recall that primitive methods are normal methods that contain a reference to a primitive function.
For example, the next code snippet shows the method `SmallInteger>>+` implementing the addition of two tagged integers.
This method has the pragma `primitive: 1` indicating that this method is a primitive method, referencing the primitive 1.

```caption=The primitive method implementing addition in SmallInteger
SmallInteger >> + aNumber
<primitive: 1>
^ super + aNumber
#### Primitive Instructions and Calling Convention by Example
Primitive instructions are stack-based instructions with a catch: they can fail.
When called, primitive instructions expect all its arguments on the stack, plus the interpreter variable `numberOfArguments` set to the actual number of arguments of the message send.
Thus, primitive instructions have two return values: a failure/success code, and an optional return value if success.
To allow this, primitive instructions store their error code in an interpreter variable, and their result on the stack.
Invoking a primitive instruction follows the convention on return:
- set the primitive failure code variable `primFailCode` to 0 on success, or an error code otherwise
- if failure, leave the stack untouched
- if success, pop the arguments, then push the result
The following code illustrates such concepts with `primitiveAdd` the primitive instruction that adds two tagged small integers.
`primitiveAdd` first fetches it's two arguments from the top two slots of the stack.
Second, it checks if they are integer objects: if they are not, it returns indicating a failure.
Third, it sums both integer values, and in case of overflow (_i.e.,_ in case the addition cannot be represented as a tagged small integer) it returns indicating a failure.
Finally, if the sum does not overflow, the two arguments are popped from the stack and the result is pushed.
Interpreter >> primitiveAdd
| maybeSmallInteger maybeSmallInteger2 result |

maybeSmallInteger := self stackValue: 0.
maybeSmallInteger2 := self stackValue: 1.

(objectMemory isIntegerObject: maybeSmallInteger)
ifFalse: [ ^ self primitiveFail ].
(objectMemory isIntegerObject: maybeSmallInteger2)
ifFalse: [ ^ self primitiveFail ].

"Check for overflow"
result := self
sumSmallInteger: maybeSmallInteger
withSmallInteger: maybeSmallInteger2
ifOverflow: [ ^ self primitiveFail ].

self pop: 2 thenPush: result
Notice how this primitive does not do any destructive operation on the stack unless we are sure that it cannot fail.
Alternatively, if it popped the top elements of the stack at the beginning, the stack should have been rebuilt upon failure, by re-pushing the arguments in the right order.
**Design Note: when should a primitive fail?**
The design of primitives is revolved around type-safety and memory-safety.
Since Pharo is a dynamically-typed programming language, types are not know in advance.
Instead, types should be checked at runtime before performing dangerous operations.
In the example above it checks the types of the arguments _and_ the non-overflow of the addition.
Primitives that load/store from/into object slots type check the receiver and index arguments, but also check that the index is within bounds.
Notice that such a design guide primitives to provide a clear separation between the _fast and slow paths_.
Primitives generally provide a safe implementation for a fast path, leaving the slow path to the fallback code.
#### Decoding a Method's Primitive Index
We distinguish primitive methods from non-primitive methods using a bit in their first literal.
The primitive index of a primitive method is stored in its first bytecode instruction: a call primitive bytecode.
The call primitive bytecode is a 3-byte bytecode instruction with opcode 248.
The two subsequent bytes represent the primitive index in little endian: `byte1 + (byte2 << 8)`.
The following code shows how the runtime extracts the primitive index of a method.
Interpreter >> primitiveIndexOf: methodPointer
^self primitiveIndexOfMethod: methodPointer header: (objectMemory methodHeaderOf: methodPointer)

Interpreter >> primitiveIndexOfMethod: theMethod header: methodHeader
| firstBytecode |
firstBytecode := self
firstBytecodeOfHeader: methodHeader
method: theMethod.
^ (objectMemory byteAt: firstBytecode + 1)
+ ((objectMemory byteAt: firstBytecode + 2) << 8)

Interpreter >> firstBytecodeOfHeader: methodHeader method: theMethod
+ ((LiteralStart + (self literalCountOfHeader: methodHeader)) * objectMemory bytesPerOop)
+ objectMemory baseHeaderSize

Interpreter >> literalCountOfHeader: headerPointer
^ (objectMemory integerValueOf: headerPointer)
bitAnd: HeaderNumLiteralsMask
#### Primitive Dispatch and Failure Fallback
When a method is executed, the interpreter checks first if the method is a primitive method _i.e.,_ if it has its flag turned on.
If that is the case, the interpreter invokes the primitive instead of activating the method.
As with bytecode instructions, primitives use also table dispatch to map primitive numers (or indexes) to primitive functions.
The code that follows shows a sketch of the primitive table.
#( (1 primitiveAdd)
(2 primitiveSubtract)
(3 primitiveLessThan)
(4 primitiveGreaterThan)
(5 primitiveLessOrEqual)
(6 primitiveGreaterOrEqual)
(7 primitiveEqual)
(8 primitiveNotEqual)
(9 primitiveMultiply)
(10 primitiveDivide)
(11 primitiveMod)
To execute the primitive, we fetch the primitive function from the table, then we dispatch the primitive using `perform:`.
The following piece of code shows a simplified version of Pharo's interpreter code.
First, the interpreter decodes the primitive index and fetches the primitive function pointer.
If the method has an associated primitive function, the function is executed.
If success, the method returns directly to the caller.
Otherwise, the method is activated, forcing the execution of the fallback code in the method's bytecode.
primitiveIndex := self primitiveIndexOf: newMethod.
primitiveFunctionPointer := primitiveTable at: primitiveIndex.
primitiveFunctionPointer ~= 0 ifTrue: [ | success |
self perform: primitiveFunctionPointer.
self success ifTrue: [
"If success, return to the caller"
^ nil
"handle primitive error or no primitive"
self activateNewMethod
### When the Lookup Fails: VM Callbacks
So far we assumed that the message lookup does always find a method to execute, although this may not always be the case.
In this section we explain two interpreter mechanisms that handle lookup errors: does not understand and cannot interpret.
From an interpreter point of view, these mechanisms are _callbacks_ to Pharo code indicating the problematic cases.
#### Does Not Understand
#### Cannot Interpret
When a message is sent, the method lookup searches the entire receiver's hierarchy for a method with the same selector as the message.
If the algorithm reaches the top of the hierarchy (`nil`), then the interpreter sends the `doesNotUnderstand:` message to the receiver.
The interpreter massages a bit the stack and the interpreter state, and looks up the `doesNotUnderstand:` selector instead of the original selector.
This creates the illusion that the VM replaced the original message by a `doesNotUnderstand:` message.
### Interpreter optimizations
Massaging the stack implies preparing it to send the `doesNotUnderstand:` message.
The thing is, the stack contains the receiver and arguments of the message but `doesNotUnderstand:` expects as single argument: the reification of the original message.
Then the original message reification is set up by:
- allocating an array to hold all the original arguments
- popping the arguments from the stack and store them in the new array
- allocating a message object and storing in it the original selector, argument array and lookup class
Then, the `messageSelector` interpreter variable is overwritten with the `doesNotUnderstand:` selector found in the special objects array, and the lookup is restarted.
#### Where does the interpreter time go?
```caption=The lookup method revisited with `doesNotUnderstand:` support
Interpreter >> lookupMethodInClass: class
| currentClass dictionary found |
<inline: false>
self assert: (self addressCouldBeClassObj: class).
self lookupBreakFor: class.
currentClass := class.
[currentClass ~= objectMemory nilObject] whileTrue: [
dictionary := objectMemory
followObjField: MethodDictionaryIndex
ofObject: currentClass.
found := self lookupMethodInDictionary: dictionary.
found ifTrue: [^currentClass].
currentClass := self superclassOf: currentClass ].
#### Global Lookup Cache
"Cound not find a normal message -- raise exception #doesNotUnderstand:"
self createActualMessageTo: class.
messageSelector := objectMemory splObj: SelectorDoesNotUnderstand.
^self lookupMethodInClass: class
#### Static Type Predictions
#### Cannot Interpret
#### Instruction Lookaheads
The VM implements also the `cannotInterpret:` hook: a hook that gets activated when the VM finds `nil` in the place of a class' method dictionary.
Similar to `doesNotUnderstand:`, `cannotInterpret:` requires massaging the stack and setting up the message reification.
However, the lookup cannot be restarted from the original class, as this will find again a `nil` method dictionary and _loop_.
Instead, `cannotInterpret:` restart's the lookup from the superclass of the class that had a `nil` method dictionary, cutting up the recursion.
#### Frameless Methods
```caption=The lookup method
Interpreter >> lookupMethodInClass: class
| currentClass dictionary found |
<inline: false>
self assert: (self addressCouldBeClassObj: class).
self lookupBreakFor: class.
currentClass := class.
[currentClass ~= objectMemory nilObject] whileTrue: [
dictionary := objectMemory
followObjField: MethodDictionaryIndex
ofObject: currentClass.
dictionary = objectMemory nilObject ifTrue:
["MethodDict pointer is nil (hopefully due a swapped out stub)
-- raise exception #cannotInterpret:."
self createActualMessageTo: class.
messageSelector := objectMemory splObj: SelectorCannotInterpret.
^self lookupMethodInClass: (self superclassOf: currentClass)].
found := self lookupMethodInDictionary: dictionary.
found ifTrue: [^currentClass].
currentClass := self superclassOf: currentClass ].
### Conclusion
### References
In this chapter we studied how the interpreter Pharo interpreter is written.
Both bytecode and primitive instructions are implemented through method dispatch.
The key instruction in Pharo is the message send.
When a message send instruction is executed, it first looks up the method to execute in the receiver's hierarchy.
Then, if it is a primitive method, it executes the associated primitive instruction.
If the primitive instruction fails or the method is a normal method, the method is _activated_: a frame is created and the method's bytecode gets executed.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Chapters/6-InterpreterOptimizations/
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
## Interpreter optimizations

### Where does the interpreter time go?

### Global Lookup Cache

### Static Type Predictions

### Instruction Lookaheads

### Frameless Methods
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -23,13 +23,6 @@ This work is also supported by the Action Exploratoire Alamvic led by G. Polito

## Slang
Just here so that we can refer to it

# The Memory Manager

Expand All @@ -39,11 +32,20 @@ Just here so that we can refer to it

# Optimizations


# JIT Compilation


## Slang
Just here so that we can refer to it

# Exercises


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