An open-source, multiplayer modification for the game Subnautica.
The mod is in the very early stages of development; however, a solid foundation has been laid for the community to iterate on. The following milestones have been completed:
- Client / Server Communication
- Player movement
- Picking up / Dropping item syncing
- Long-range world syncing
- Basic base building sync
- Seamoth & Exosuit Syncing
- Rudimentary chat system
- Integration with Harmony
Until a stable version is released, it is not recommended for casual play. Please be patient as we work to build a great enhancement for the game.
Simply submit a pull request. Full documentation can be found on the wiki tab. Feel free to join us in the Subnautica Modders Discord channel.
Nitrox is an alternative air mixture, used by scuba divers, to achieve longer bottom times. As a mod, it will provide a new dimension of gameplay to extend your enjoyment.