Algorythm moves from bottom to up because its much faster way of solving this issue Sample input:
8 9
1 5 9
4 5 2 3
First iteration is takes two last lines and calclutes max sum for each element in the sequence
1 has 4 and 5. 5 can't be used because its odd so we take 4. Result => 5
5 has 5 and 2. 5 can't be used because its odd so we take 2. Result => 7
9 has 2 and 3. 3 can't be used because its odd so we take 2. Result => 11
Now out pyramid looks like this:
8 9
5 7 11
Next iteration:
8 has 5 (was odd) and 7 (was odd). We take 7 because its bigger than 5. Result => 15
9 has 7 (was odd) and 11 (was odd). We take 11 because its bigger than 7. Result => 20
Now out pyramid looks like this:
15 20
Last iteration:
1 has 15 (was even) and 20 (was odd). We take 15 because 20 was odd number originally so it does not work for us. Result => 16
Result 16
Rules don't how to handle situation where all parent, left child and right child are all even or odd I choose to handle this case ending the max path with parent, because we can't continue forward. For instance if we have pyramid:
1 1
Max path would be 1 because last line does not follow rules