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Splamy edited this page Jun 26, 2023 · 28 revisions

Bot is Banned

Q: I get this in my log: connect_failed_banned: the command failed to execute: connection failed, you are banned

A: You can choose which option fits you better:

  • Either set the b_client_ignore_bans permission flag for any group where the bot is in.
  • Or clear the QueryConnection::identity config entry to generate a new identity.
    Warning: if your bot is on a server where he got special permissions or was added in a special group, you will loose those.

API Missing Context

Q: On request I get something like this result:

    "ErrorCode": 17,
    "ErrorName": "MissingContext",
    "ErrorMessage": "Command 'CommandPlay' missing execution context 'IPlayerConnection'"

A: This message can have multiple causes.

  • The most common problem will be that you need to switch to a bot before you can use a bot specific command.
    For example: http://localhost:8180/api/bot/use/0/(/play/music.mp3
    where 0 is the bot id.
    You can list all bots with !bot list.

  • If the missing module is called InvokerData see the next FAQ entry.

  • It might also be that the module which you are trying to use is disabled. This is for e.g. possible with the HistoryManager

API Missing Context InvokerData

Q: On request I get this result:

"ErrorCode": 17,
"ErrorName": "MissingContext",
"ErrorMessage": "Command 'CommandPlay' missing execution context 'InvokerData'"

A: You need to authenticate the call. See here in the wiki for more information.


Q: Is there any tl;dr on the license?

A: This site gives you a quick overview what you can and must do:
If you want a better explanation to a particular section of the license, the author of the license has created a site to explain the reasoning and ideas behind the legal text:

Set the client version

Q: How do I set the client version of the bot to (insert version here)?

A: Go to this site and pick the version of your desire:
Go to your bots/<name>/bot.toml config. (Where <name> is the bot template name you are connecting.)
Now set the triplet you chose:

client_version = { build = "3.1.10 [Build: 1528537615]", platform = "Windows", sign = "+/BWvueikGg4YkO1v2uuZB5vtJJgUZ5bL8cRfxAstfnCVdro2ja+4a+8rGUzDx8/vvTZOUVD6U95hnWb638MCQ==" }

you can also write it the long table notation if you prefer. (The bot might still convert it if he wants to.)

build = "3.1.10 [Build: 1528537615]"
platform = "Windows"
sign = "+/BWvueikGg4YkO1v2uuZB5vtJJgUZ5bL8cRfxAstfnCVdro2ja+4a+8rGUzDx8/vvTZOUVD6U95hnWb638MCQ=="

Bot is not playing music

Q: I type !play ./musicFile.mp3, the image and description change, but I cannot hear anything.

A: By default, the bot's AudioMode is whisper. If you want the bot to play the sound in the room it is in, you have these options:

  • Give the bot group a high enough i_client_whisper_power.
  • Type command !whisper off every time after typing !play command.
  • Change audio.send_mode in your bot_<name>.toml to voice

If the 'speaking' light is showing up, check that the volume is not 0 by settings it to a reasonable volume: !volume 50

Missing rights

Q: I'm getting You can not execute "play". You are missing the "" right.! when I try to execute a command.

A: The bot is very strict what each user can call. In this example we want to call !play but this applies for any other command too.
Create or modify a rule which matches to you. The simplest matcher is by useruid so we will use it in this example.

# Add your uid to the matcher.
# You can add multiple uids which this rule should match on.
useruid = [ "VG90YWxseU5vdEZha2U=", "AnotherOnesUid" ]

# The "+" permissions will be added when this rule matches.
"+" = [
    # This is a list of all permissions we want to grant.
    # You can use wildcards to add an entire command group
    # Or even root wildcards to add all permissions (be careful with this)

There are a lot of more matcher, you can read about them in our wiki here. Or take a look at the rights documentations in general.

Text responses

Q: Where do I find string xzy?

A: All strings are in the TS3AudioBot/Localization/strings.resx file. You need to recompile the project for changes to take effect.

Search and play YouTube songs

Q: Is there a way to search for YouTube songs (!yt) or search and play by title (!ytp)?

A: If you just want a !yt and !ytp/!yta command, simply add those two aliases:
!alias add yt "!search from youtube (!param 0)"
!alias add ytp "!xecute (!search from youtube (!param 0)) (!search play 0)"
!alias add yta "!xecute (!search from youtube (!param 0)) (!search add 0)"

then you can use:

!yt rammstein sonne will display the found results

Found the following songs. Use "!select <number>" to play.
0: Rammstein - Sonne (Official Video)
1: Rammstein - Sonne (lyrics) HD
2: Rammstein - Sonne / PROSHOT(Download Festival 2016) HD [GER/ENG/RU/ES/FR]

!ytp rammstein sonne will search and play the first result. !yta rammstein sonne will search and queue the first result.

Login to Webinterface

Q: How can I log into the webinterface?

A: Send !api token to the audiobot in a private chat and copy the answer into the login field on the webinterface.

429 Too Many Requests

Q: I'm getting something like HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests

A: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests means you are hitting the rate limiting of YouTube.
There is nothing we can do about this.

Streams stop

Q: Radiostreams randomly stop or are interrupted.

A: Radiostreams alyways may have hiccups or the stream might reset. You can mitigate this in multiple ways:

  • Set !repeat one: This will simply try to restart the stream multiple times when it stops.
  • Create a playlist and put one (or more fallback streams) in it. Then start it with !list play <name> and set !repeat all


Q: I'm getting errors in my build with GetAssemblyVersion or GitVersionTask.

A: You can choose any of these steps to fix the build:

  • Download the project with git clone instead of the normal 'Zip-Download'
  • Remove the GitVersionTask NuGet package from the Ts3AudioBot project (How to in VS)
    You also can easily do that from the console with dotnet remove TS3AudioBot package GitVersionTask
  • Remove these lines from the TS3AudioBot/TS3AudioBot.csproj file. This is the same as the previous option but without UI or VS.


Q: How can I autostart the bot when my server starts?

A: You can choose any of these:

  • Start the bot inside screen or tmux
  • Create a systemd service:
  1. Create a new user called teamspeak: useradd -m teamspeak
  2. Download the native bot build into /home/teamspeak/TS3AudioBot/ so that the binary is in /home/teamspeak/TS3AudioBot/TS3AudioBot
  3. Create the file /etc/systemd/system/ts3audiobot.service:
  4. Run systemctl daemon-reload
  5. Enable and start the service: systemctl enable --now ts3audiobot
