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Google Analytics

Adrian-Thiesen edited this page Mar 9, 2021 · 10 revisions


Link to analytics:

Structure of a gtag event:

  this.$gtag.event("PWA install", {
            event_category: "home",
            event_label: "lead",
            value: 0,

Description Event_Action Value
User presses PWA Install button PWA install pressed 1

action: choose a string that is unique and describes the action the user is doing e.g. "PWA Install pressed"

event_category: "home" the category under which all events should be grouped I would leave this as Home so all events are in the same "folder"

event_label: you can add a specific label to add additional information here e.g. "A" or "B" when we do an A/B test, e.g. or what kind of graph is downloaded

value: a numeric value we give this event can be useful for optimizing marketing campaigns. E.g.selling a pdf is a high value aborting is a low value.

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