Trying to translate the core mechanics from modern SS13 to a 3D environment as closely as possible. Even though it's gained an extra dimension, the game should play the same.
Create the base for the server/lobby routine that SS13 uses, and make sure we make server only executables. Guaranteeing user authentication and late joins.
The boring part where we document everything and design systems.
Make a solid base for gamemodes and refine the lobby system, using the "ready state", countdown for the game start, gamemode initialization, etc. This should be the point where we add the player character. The gamemode system should be based on objectives players can complete in order to achieve a certain goal.
Transpose the tilemaps system from the RE:SS3D codebase, adding spawnpoints and a simple turf-made map.
Transpose the interaction system from the RE:SS3D codebase, modifying it to fix the current issues.
Traspose the container system from RE:SS3D.