SpeedyFolf/SpeedyFolf is a ✨ special ✨ repository because its README.md
file appears on his GitHub profile.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
SpeedyFolf/SpeedyFolf is a ✨ special ✨ repository because its README.md
file appears on his GitHub profile.
# DYOM speedruns FAQ
## What is DYOM?
DYOM ([Design Your Own Mission](https://dyom.gtagames.nl)) is a mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which helps people more easily create custom missions for GTA:SA without needed to write any code, in a similar style to something like Super Mario Maker. They also have a database of missions that people have created on their website, where you can download them and play them.
## What is MTA?
MTA ([Multi Theft Auto](https://multitheftauto.com)) is a mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which adds multiplayer functionality.
# Rainbomizer FAQ
If you have questions about the mod or other issues installing the mod or getting it to work, check if your query is responded to here. Otherwise, you can ask for help in the [Rainbomizer Discord server](https://discord.gg/BYVBQw7).
#### When I try to start the game, I get a warning message about an ASI error (5, 255, 1450, and maybe more) and/or the file gets deleted and the game plays without any changes.
# Summary
Submit screenshots in-game and have Pizza guess where the location is on-stream for his Find That Spot/GTA Guesser series. Only send images, no answering.
# Rules
## __*Submissions*__
# GTAMarathon (GTAM)
## About
GTAMarathon is an event ran annually by the GTA community, showcasing speedruns for a week and other fun activities to bring us all together. The event has been around since 2014, and as usual we will be looking for the very best of GTA main/misc categories as well as your favourite GTA clones. We'd love to have you!\
The idea of a Grand Theft Auto marathon was conceived by JustShanz and eidgod, incorporating GTA and "GTA clone" speedruns, and bringing the community together around a marathon of its own. The first marathon was held in September 2014, organized by them both; a second one was organized by Mhmd_FVC in April 2015.\

# Josh Done Quick (JDQ)
## About