Request body templating
We have updated templating again! This time, we've the ability to use parts of the request body in your response. This is done using jsonpath and xpath.
{{ Request.Body “jsonpath” “$.test” }}
{{ Request.Body “xpath” “/root/id” }}
These templating functions will retrieve parts of the document from the request based off of the query provided.
For more information on Template helpers
Empty queries
With the introduction of the v5 schema, we temporarily lost the ability to define a request with zero query parameters, forcing users to have to remain using the deprecated query field from v4. This was captured is in issue #750. This version should now support zero query parameters correctly.
Filter out headers in diff mode
From user feedback, we found some users were struggling to make sense of the changes being outputted in diff mode due to the constantly changing headers, often headers that the user did not care had changed.
We have updated diff mode to now support the ability to filter out headers. These are defined simiarly to how you would define capturing headers when setting the mode to capture.
hoverctl mode diff --headers Content-Type,Authorization
hoverctl mode diff --all-headers