This library provides a Clojure(Script) wrapper over Emmett Lalish's incredible Manifold 3D geometry library. The CLJ implementation is based on JNI bindings to c++ produced via. javacpp: see
It implements most of the library functionality, plus extends it to support polyhedrons and lofts. It provides nearly a full superset of OpenSCAD functionality.
You need include the native Manifold Bindings for your platform separately. For example:
;; Linux
{:deps {org.clojars.cartesiantheatrics/manifold3d$linux-x86_64 {:mvn/version "1.0.73"}}}
;; Mac
{:deps {org.clojars.cartesiantheatrics/manifold3d$mac-x86_64 {:mvn/version "1.0.73"}}}
;; See build artifacts for experimental Windows jars:
The Manifold .so libs are included in the bindings jar. You'll also need to have libassimp installed on your system:
;; Ubuntu
sudo apt install libassimp-dev
;; Mac
brew install pkg-config assimp
;; Windows
git clone
cd assimp
git checkout v5.2.5
cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --install . --config Release
The ClojureScript lib is not yet well supported or available via. Maven. You'll have to clone the repo and move public/manifold.wasm
into public/js/
. Run npm install
to install the gltf (for rendering meshes) then connect via. shadow. There's a half-baked function called createGLTF
in manifold_viewer.js
that will take a manifold and throw it onto the model-viewer
element defined in the index.html.
Examples should look familiar if you've ever used OpenSCAD.
Manifolds are the core datatype representing a 3D object. They are water-tight meshes comprised of triangular faces. They are guaranteed closed under the fundamental CSG operations: union
, difference
, and intersection
(let [cube (m/cube 20 20 20 true)
sphere (m/sphere 12 30)]
(-> (m/union
(-> (m/union cube sphere)
(m/translate [30 0 0]))
(-> (m/difference cube sphere)
(m/translate [-30 0 0]))
(m/intersection cube sphere))
(m/export-mesh "manifolds.glb" :material mesh-material)))
Cross Sections represent 2D shapes. There are basic cross section constructors like square
and circle
, or they can be constructed from one or multiple polygons (vertex sequences).
(-> (m/cross-section (cons [0 0]
(for [i (range 18)]
[(* 20 (Math/cos (* i (/ (* 2 Math/PI) 19))))
(* 20 (Math/sin (* i (/ (* 2 Math/PI) 19))))])))
(m/extrude 1)
(m/export-mesh "cross-section.glb" :material mesh-material))
Cross Sections are (roughly) isomorphic to a set of polygons for which vertex order determines whether a polygon encodes a hole.
(-> (m/cross-section [(for [i (range 20)]
[(* 20 (Math/cos (* i (/ (* 2 Math/PI) 19))))
(* 20 (Math/sin (* i (/ (* 2 Math/PI) 19))))])
(for [i (range 20)]
[(* 18 (Math/cos (* i (/ (* 2 Math/PI) 19))))
(* 18 (Math/sin (* i (/ (* 2 Math/PI) 19))))]))])
(m/extrude 1)
(m/export-mesh "cross-section-with-hole.glb" :material mesh-material))
(let [m (-> (m/cross-section [[-10 0] [10 0] [0 10]])
(m/translate [30 0]))]
(-> (m/difference m (m/offset m -1))
(m/revolve 50 135)
(m/export-mesh "revolve.glb" :material mesh-material)))
(require '[clj-manifold3d.core :as m])
(def mesh-material (m/material :roughness 0.0 :metalness 0.0 :color [0.0 0.7 0.7 1]))
(-> (m/hull
(m/circle 5)
(-> (m/square 10 10 true)
(m/translate [30 0])))
(m/extrude 10)
(m/export-mesh "hull2D.glb" :material mesh-material))
(-> (m/hull (m/cylinder 2 12 12 120)
(-> (m/sphere 4 120)
(m/translate [0 0 20])))
(m/export-mesh "hull3D.glb" :material mesh-material))
(-> (m/polyhedron [[0 0 0]
[5 0 0]
[5 5 0]
[0 5 0]
[0 0 5]
[5 0 5]
[5 5 5]
[0 5 5]]
[[0 3 2 1]
[4 5 6 7]
[0 1 5 4]
[1 2 6 5]
[2 3 7 6]
[3 0 4 7]])
(m/export-mesh "polyhedron-cube.glb" :material mesh-material))
Transform frames, which are 3x4 affine transformation matrices, can be manipulated similar to manifolds.
(mapv vec
(-> (frame 1)
(translate [0 0 10])
;; => [[1.0 0.0 0.0] [0.0 1.0 0.0] [0.0 0.0 1.0] [0.0 0.0 10.0]]
Frames transform slightly differently than manifolds. The rotation components are best thought of as basis vectors of a coordinate frame, with the last component representing the position of that frame. Rotations and translations are applied relative to the frame, turtle-graphics style. Here is an example of applying a transform to a cylinder:
(-> (m/cylinder 50 5)
(m/transform (-> (m/frame 1)
(m/rotate [0 (/ Math/PI 4) 0])
(m/translate [0 0 30])))
(m/export-mesh "transform.glb" :material mesh-material))
2D transform frames can also be manipulated similar to cross sections.
(mapv vec
(-> (m/frame-2d 1)
(m/translate [0 10])
;; => [[1.0 0.0] [0.0 1.0] [0.0 0.0]]
Loft connects a series of cross sections positioned in 3D space to form a manifold. Edges are constructed between vertices of adjacent cross sections.
(-> (let [c (m/difference (m/square 10 10 true) (m/square 8 8 true))]
(m/loft [c (m/scale c [1.5 1.5]) c]
[(m/frame 1)
(m/translate (m/frame) [0 0 15])
(m/translate (m/frame) [0 0 30])]))
(m/export-mesh "loft.glb" :material mesh-material))
Loft and also handle one-to-many and many-to-one vertex mappings.
(-> (m/loft [(m/circle 20 15)
(m/square 30 30 true)
(m/circle 20 20)]
[(m/frame 1)
(m/translate (m/frame) [0 0 15])
(m/translate (m/frame) [0 0 30])])
(m/export-mesh "monomorphic-loft.glb" :material mesh-material))
There is also a single arity version of loft.
(-> (m/loft [{:cross-section (m/circle 50 12)
:frame (m/frame)}
{:frame (m/translate (m/frame) [0 0 20])}
{:cross-section (m/circle 46 12)}
{:frame (m/translate (m/frame) [0 0 3])}])
(m/export-mesh "single-arity-loft.glb" :material mesh-material))
(-> (m/text "resources/fonts/Cinzel-Regular.ttf" "Manifold" 10 20 :non-zero)
(m/scale-to-height 100)
(m/extrude 20)
(m/export-mesh "text.glb" :material mesh-material))
Slice solves for the cross-section of a manifold that intersects the x/y plane.
(-> (m/slice (m/scale (m/tetrahedron) [5 10 15]))
(m/extrude 1/2)
(m/export-mesh "slice.glb" :material mesh-material))
There is an efficient aglorithm that solves for N equally spaces slices.
(-> (m/union
(for [[i slice] (map-indexed vector (m/slices (m/scale (m/tetrahedron) [5 10 15]) 5 10 10) )]
(-> slice
(m/extrude 1/8)
(m/translate [0 0 (* i 0.5)]))))
(m/export-mesh "slices.glb" :material mesh-material))
Surface creates a manifold from a heatmap structure.
(defn sinewave-heatmap
"Generates a 3D sinewave heatmap.
The output is a vector of vectors representing a square matrix.
Each cell represents the height at that x/y coordinate based on a sinewave.
- size: The size of the matrix (width and height).
- frequency: Frequency of the sinewave (controls the number of wave oscillations).
- amplitude: Amplitude of the sinewave (controls the height of the wave).
- phase: Phase shift of the sinewave.
Returns a matrix where each value is the sinewave height at that coordinate."
[size frequency amplitude phase]
(for [y (range size)]
(for [x (range size)]
(+ (+ 10 amplitude)
(* amplitude
(+ (* frequency (/ x size))
(* frequency (/ y size))
(-> (sinewave-heatmap 50 10 5 0)
(m/surface 1.0)
(m/export-mesh "sine-wave-surface.glb" :material mesh-material))
Use the underlying MeshUtils/CreateSurface
for max performance when generating large heatmaps. You can also use create a surface from a .png
, .jpg
or other image file using load-surface
There is also a primitive algorithm to parse a .ply point cloud to a surface mesh, useful primarily for geo-mapping applications. Here's an example from a ~8GB point cloud:
In addition to specifying a uniform color when exporting a manifold, color attributes can be added to a manifold's vertex properties. This ensures vertex colors preserved under boolean operations.
(m/color (m/cube 20 20 20) [0 0 1 1])
(m/color (m/cube 20 20 40 true) [1 0 0 1]))
(m/export-mesh "colored-manifold.glb"
:material (m/material :roughness 0.0 :metalness 0.0 :color-idx 0)))
combines manifolds or cross sections together without performing any CSG operations on them.
(-> (m/compose
(m/color (m/cube 30 30 30 true)
[1 1 1 0.5])
(m/color (m/sphere 12 40)
[0 0 1 1.0]))
(m/export-mesh "compose.glb"
:material (m/material :roughness 0.0 :metalness 0.0 :color-idx 0 :alpha-idx 3)))
Define a circle by providing three points that its perimeter intersects.
(let [p1 [0 0] p2 [1 12] p3 [15 0]]
(-> (m/difference
(m/circle p1 p2 p3 100)
(for [p [p1 p2 p3]]
(-> (m/circle 1 10)
(m/translate p)))))
(m/extrude 1)
(m/export-mesh "three-point-circle.glb" :material mesh-material)))
Likewise for partial circles/arcs.
(let [p1 [0 0] p2 [2 5] p3 [-6 10]]
(-> (m/union
(m/three-point-arc p1 p2 p3 20)
(for [p [p1 p2 p3]]
(-> (m/circle 1 10)
(m/translate p)))))
(m/extrude 1)
(m/export-mesh "three-point-arc.glb" :material mesh-material)))
Use three-point-arc-points
to get a vector of the points corresponding to the arc segment.
Get the vertices of a Manifold using get-vertices
(-> (let [verts (m/get-vertices (m/cube 20 20 20 true))]
(for [vert verts]
(-> (m/sphere 2 20)
(m/translate vert)))))
(m/export-mesh "get-vertices.glb" :material mesh-material))
You can get the Halfedges of a Manifold using get-halfgedges
(-> (let [m (m/cube 40 40 40 true)
verts (m/get-vertices m)
halfedges (m/get-halfedges m)]
(cons (m/color m [0 1 0 0.4])
(for [halfedge halfedges]
(let [v1 (nth verts (:start-vert halfedge))
v2 (nth verts (:end-vert halfedge))
m (m/hull
(m/translate (m/sphere 1 15) v1)
(m/translate (m/sphere 3 15) v2))]
(if (m/is-forward halfedge)
(m/color m [1 0 0 0.6])
(m/color m [0 0 1 0.6])))))))
(m/export-mesh "get-halfedges.glb" :material (m/material :roughness 0.0
:metalness 0.0
:color-idx 0
:alpha-idx 3)))
The halfedge array is a useful data-structure that can be used to "walk" over adjacent faces of manifolds.
A Simple rapidly printable hydroponic tower:
Kossel delta printer: