Open Source Arena
FizzBuzz Fury!
In the challenge ahead lies a grid full of rooms, each room containing a list of integers and labelled by a color
You must navigate the rooms as efficiently as possible using Colors to find your way
Differnet rooms will have different colors to identify the macguffin you receive when you finish that room's challenge
To complete the challenge you will need to return the expected values in the order below:
Fizzes (multiple of 3)
Buzzes (multiple of 5)
Fizzbuzzes (multiple of 3 and 5)
Collect the correct Macguffins to find the exit and complete the challenge
The first person that finishes with all required Macguffins is the winner!
Load Arena and Gladiator files
Place Gladiators in field
Begin OSA Engine simulation loop
For each Gladiator RUN GLADIATOR SCRIPT (E.G BELOW) 1. searchRoom() If neededMacguffin in room description a. FizzBuzz b. Submit response c. confirm positive, repeat or not Else moveRoom() If Gladiator.Victory() == True OR If Gladiator.noMoves() == True Display winners
Define arena structure Variable size grid (N by M) Define rooms (automtically or manually generated) FOR FIZZBUZZFURY SHOULD CONTAIN:
Macguffin: Color
Fizzbuzz: Integer
Description: String including important details
Allowed directions: U, D, L, R or N, E, S, W
Handling Gladiator Actions
Present room details
Check for FizzBuzz response
Check validation of submission
Reward correct answers
Check gladiator based on provided input?
Check completion at end of "round"
Read Room If conditions met Run script and submit answer
When collection is full > work towards goal and submit
SAMPLE ROOM IN DETAIL: Users will use conditions unique to rooms to find specific Macguffins Complete the room challenge to win the Specified MacGuffin
Room =
Name: Crystalline Sanctuary
Desc: The walls of this room shimmer with various colored opaque crystalline structures\n
Weaving through the crystals at the center of the room you find what appears to be a Blue Macguffin\n
The Macguffin reflects the crystalline light behind a glass case secured with a FizzBuzz lock\n
Note: This room provides an opportunity to throw a wrench into the process, the crystalline nature of the room\n
might apply a color filter to the Macguffin to make it appear blue, but actually be another color\n
to implement enhance description and add CONSISTENT FLAG OR STATEMENT to track tricks
Contents: FizzBuzzChallenge(SizeVar, DiffVar), Blue Macguffin