Releases: SoupPotato/sourcrystal
- A new credit screen was added to list all who have contributed to the hack
- Raikou and Entei now appear on the pokgear map when they are roaming even if they have not been seen on the Pokedex
- All Pokemon that could learn Reflect in Gen1 are now capable of learning it via the move tutor
- Updated PINK BOW to be known as SILK SCARF
- Tuscany now gives the player a TWISTEDSPOON instead of a SILK SCARF
- Mom will now buy the player a SILK SCARF when the player reaches $19000 instead of a SUPER POTION
- Picknicker Tiffany now gifts the player with POKE DOLLS instead of SILK SCARFS
- Rebalanced Ledian's base stats
- Red's rematch now has different battle music
- Rebalanced the parties of many Team Rocket Grunts
- Rebalanced movepools for various Pokemon
- Updated more Pokemon Sprites and Icons
- OW weather now loads correctly when loading a save file on the route weather is active on
- OW weather now stays on the same route until the next day when loading a save file
- The screen no longer fades out twice during the nickname screen after a safari zone battle
- Removed all references of the old swarm system from Phone contacts
- Correct many sprites using incorrect primary and secondary palettes
- Rematch teams no longer have corrupted DVs
- Beat up is now affected by stat boosts/reductions and can critically hit as intended
- Sitrus berries no longer fail to heal HP in certain scenarios
- Celebi is now green during the GS Ball event as intended
- Putting an Unown in the daycare no longer produces a corrupt sprite in the overworld
- Celadon Game Corner now has Eevee as a prize instead of Pikachu
- Corrected an issue with gender distribution with the Odd Egg
- Corrected some typos
Known Issues:
None Found
If you have an existing save file, please be sure to reset the in-game clock by using DOWN+SELECT+B on the title screen. This will re-initialize the fixed Daily Flags.
- Porygon2 uses a new palette
- Battle tower parties have had their difficulty reduced
- Rival rematches at the pokemon league will have stronger teams
- Fixed a bug that causes water-based swarms to generate junk data and corrupted pokemon
- Fixed an issue when attempting to print a pokemon with the GB Printer would result in a white screen
- Fixed issue with Porygon2's palette
Known Issues:
None Found
If you have an existing save file, please be sure to reset the in-game clock by using DOWN+SELECT+B on the title screen. This will re-initialize the fixed Daily Flags.
- The DayCare man now appears outside the DayCare pen when he has an Egg
- Increased the DayCare Egg rates to gen3+. This will result in more frequent Eggs.
- Updated Totodile and Croconaw's palette as well as Feraligatr's backsprite
- Declining an Egg from the DayCare Man will no longer prevent the player from getting more Eggs
- Updated the sprites for Heracross, Larvitar and Seaking
- Updated the trainer sprite for the CoolDuo Trainer Class
- Fixed a bug that prevented the game from producing new Swarms
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Haircut Brothers from working correctly
- Fixed an issue that causes Gym Leader rematches to not work correctly
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to produce no sound or crash on some maps
- Corrected an Issue with Seafoam Gym's map layout
- Updated Goldenrod Dept Store's Floor Directory Sign with the correct text
- Fixed an Issue that could cause the game to freeze if the player tried to use a PokeBall
- Aerodactyl can now learn Rock Slide via Move Tutor as intended
- OW sprite will not change colors on Route 34 when there are Pokemon in the Daycare
- Fixed issue with Porygon2's palette
Known Issues:
None Found
- GYM LEADER REMATCHES. Players can now trigger rematches with all gym leaders and the Elite Four once they have defeated Red. Red will also have a rematch team after completing the Elite Four again.
- Decorations that were Mystery Gift-exclusive, can now be obtained at Goldenrod Dept Store 3F. The selection of decorations will change each day.
- Dolls that were Mystery Gift-exclusive, can now be obtained at Goldenrod Dept Store's roof at the vending machine. The doll given each time is totally random.
- The Battle Tower trainers have been adjusted for a more challenging experience. (big thanks to Whooping)
- MT.MOON has been redesigned with new maps designed to be closer to its appearance in Gen1
- The Fossil found at MT.MOON has been moved from 1F to B2F.
- Kanto trainer battle music has been extended to use the full song (big thanks to Zumi & CoralDev)
- Cerulean City music has a new remix (big thanks to Zumi)
- Players can now also find 3 TINYMUSHROOMS in MT.MOON each day. In addition, each mushroom in ILEX FOREST and MT.MOON has a 10% chance to be a BIG MUSHROOM
- Increased the frequency of OPAL SHARDS obtained from breakable rocks
- Breakable rocks will no longer yield SILVER LEAF or GOLD LEAF items
- OW sprite palettes have been adjusted
- The the scientist who gives the player the UNOWN DEX will also give the player 10 OPAL SHARDS
- MOOMOO MILK can now be purchased more than once and there is now an option to buy a dozen at a time
- Adjusted the Ruins of Alph Move tutor: MEGA DRAIN is now a Tier 3 move (14 Unown) and Body Slam is now a Tier 4 (21 Unown)
- Adjusted some movepools
- Shadow Ball and Hydro Pump have new animations
- Wild pokemon can no longer steal items with Thief
- Items stolen with Thief are returned to their respective trainers after a battle.
- Corrected an issue with Wild pokemon held items. They how have a 50% chance for Item 1 and 5% chance for item 2 as intended.
- Corrected an issue with Rapid Spin and Headbutt's animations
- Corrected an issue where the player's OW sprite would be under others NPCs when falling from a higher floor
- Pokémon that know HM moves can now be released from the PC as intended
- Corrected an issue with the Ruins of Alph Move Tutor dialogue
- OW sprites will no longer use incorrect palettes occasionally during a trainer battle transition
- Corrected an issue that causes Snorlax to spawn in 2 places at the same time on Route 11
- Corrected some text errors in Viridian Forest
- Corrected an issue where items and NPCs would turn into the player's OW sprite on rare occasions
- OW Rain will no longer stay on screen if the player moves to another route while on a Bike
- The scientist in the Kabuto Chamber at Ruins of Alph, will no longer crash the game when spoken to after
the player has collected all the Unown. - Fixed an issue that turned the player into the opponent's OW sprite in the Battle Tower
- Fixed compatibility with GBC Hardware and rom size
- Game no longer freezes when attempting to use some items such as POKE BALLS
- Corrected the Goldenrod Dept store 1F directory text
Known Issues:
None Found
- Corrected an issue where battle transitions would cause graphical glitches during rain
SourCrystal v5.1
- BRICK PIECES have been removed from the game and replaced with a new item "OPAL SHARD"
- A new Move Tutor was added to the Ruins of Alph Research Center. He teaches moves that were TMs in Gen1
- Added a few OPAL SHARDs as pokeball items throughout the game
- Players can now find 3 TINYMUSHROOMS in ILEX FOREST each day
- Increased the frequency of rainy weather to 2 random routes instead of 1
- Double-Edge now deals 1/3 of the damamge as recoil. (up from 1/4)
- Struggle will now always deal 1/4 of the user's max HP as recoil
- Payday now drops coins equal to x5 the users level with each use
- Reduced the time rain splashes stay on screen during rain in the overworld
- Reduced the level of Goldenrod Game Corner's prize Porygon from 12 to 10
- WATERFALL, SOLARBEAM, AURORA BEAM, ABSORB, MEGA DRAIN, GIGA DRAIN, LEECH SEED sapping and OUTRAGE, attack animations - have been updated
- Remade Icons for Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot and Farfetch'd
- Corrected an issue with the Scientist's OW sprite
- Raikou, Entei, Suicune now use the correct overworld palette when they are dormant in Burned Tower BF1
- Fixed a graphical issue with the rocks on Cinnabar Island
- OW sprites will no longer flicker during map transitions or using field moves.
- Headbutt trees will no longer overlap the player's sprite while it shakes
- Cut trees will no longer overlap the player's sprite while it disappears
- Fixed an issue where the player could walk through trees on MtSilver's Lower Mountainside
- Corrected an issue where the Cleanse Tag could not be obtained in some cases
- Fixed a bug that would cause battle animation palettes to not be reset at the end of a turn
Known Issues:
- None Found
SourCrystal v5.0
Due to the change in code, it is highly recommended players start a new save file, otherwise severe corruption of data may occur.
Dynamic OW palette system. This allows more colors to be used on certain maps at a time.
Dynamic Sprite system. This allows more sprite variety to be used on certain maps at a time.
Overworld Weather. Route 33 and Lake of Rage will almost always have rain. In addition, each day one route at random will have rain in both Johto and Kanto.
Game now runs in Doublespeed. This will allow faster processing and less visible lag in some scenarios.
Over 100 New party Icons
Multiple new pokemon sprites and palettes
Some movepool shave been adjusted for balancing
Female shiny pokemon are now slightly more common and have better DVs similar to Males
Re-arranged some Safari Zone mons
Updated some attack animations
Spikes can now set up to 3 layers
Mt.Silver Cave has been expanded and now has additional maps to traverse
A brand new trading cutscene has been made to make full use of the GBC
A version number is printed on the main menu now
Corrected a warp issue with Fuchsia City's South Gate
Corrected an issue where the Fossil at Mt.Moon would not appear in some cases
Corrected an issue where the Curse TM could not be obtained in some cases
Teleport now works correctly in Trainer Battles
Corrected multiple trainers using incorrect parties in challenge mode
Gentleman Alfred now uses correct phone call text
Corrected various typos across the game
Fixed a visual issue with Routes 5, 6 and 12
Corrected an issue where the Safari Game would not end if the player ran out of balls during a fish or headbutt encounter
Corrected an issue where Safari Balls were not consumed during a fish or headbutt encounter
Corrected an issue where the screen would fade twice if the player caught a pokemon during the Safari Game
Corrected an issue where some Trainer rematches did not behave correctly
The Rock Smash Pager now works correctly when used from the Pokegear menu.
Known Issues:
Cut trees will overlap the player's sprite while it disappears
Special Thanks:
This patch's inclusion of the weather system, trade animation sequence and other features could not have been made possible without the dedicated help of @vulcandth @ZoomTen and @JustRegularLuna . My upmost thanks and appreciation goes to them and they deserve all the credit for those features a reality!