SmartWeather is a Weather Application for Android using the Openweathermap API.
I made this App for a Course that we had in School.
- Weather Data searchable by City names
- Weather adjusted Background Images
- Refresh by Shaking the phone
- Not Optimized for Landscape
- Some Settings not implementet
- Darktheme
- GPS City locate
Download on Google Play: Download
- Download the APK from the Releases tab
- Install the APK on your Android Phone
- Get an API key at OpenWeatherMap
- If the API key is entered, search for a City.
Minimum: SDK 28 - Android 9 Pie Target: SDK 29 - Android 10 Q Permissions needed:
- Internet (For Weather Data)
- Network State (For the Check if your phone is Online)
- Vibrate (For a "notification" when you shake your phone and when it reloads the data)