The aim of this package is the assimilation of reservoir extents in Ceará, northeast Brazil. With the use of meteorological observations, the reservoir extent shall be modeled in order to complement the reservoir extent estimations based on remote sensing jmigueldelgado/buhayra.
# Data preprocessing ####
# Routing of strategic and non-strategic reservoirs
res_max <- Routing_strat()
res_max <- Routing_non_strat()
# Estimate runoff contributing areas for all reservoirs
res_max <- runoff_contributing_area()
# Download and interpolate rain data for a specific catchment ####
catch <- contributing_basins_shape(shape = res_max[res_max$id_jrc == 25283,])
catch <- contributing_basins_res(ID = 25283)
plot_contributing_basins(catch, shape = res_max[res_max$id_jrc == 25283,])
gauges_catch <- rain_gauges_catch(catch)
plot_gauges_catch(catch, gauges_catch, distGauges = 30)
api <- request_api_gauges(requestDate = as.Date("2018-03-15") , Ndays = 5, gauges_catch)
list_api_rain <- api_rain_raster(catch, gauges_catch, api, distGauges = 30, ID = 25283)
api_rain <- apiRain(catch, api, date = as.Date("2018-03-15"))
files_world <- get_trmm_world(YEAR = 2019, MONTH = 04, DAY = 12)
trmm_means <- trmmRain(shape = st_transform(catch, "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"), files_world)
# Run the model ####
reservoir_model <- reservoir_model(ID = 25283, start = as.Date("2004-01-25"), end = as.Date("2004-02-05"), distGauges = 50)
reservoir_model <- reservoir_model(ID = 31440, start = as.Date("2004-01-24"), end = as.Date("2004-01-30"), distGauges = 30)
identifies which strategic reservoir drains into which stategic downstream reservoir -
identifies which non-strategic reservoir drains into which stategic downstream reservoir -
estimates the area of directly contributing runoff for all reservoirs, based on the mean yearly runoff of 1960-1990. The columnsrunoff_contr_est
are added to the geospatial dataframeres_max
adapts the estimated runoff contributing area to the actual size of the subbasin.
identifies the contributing subbasins of an sf geospatial dataframe -
identifies contributing basins of a reservoir fromres_max
plot_contributing_basins(catch, shape)
plots the identified contributing basins -
identifies rain gauges within a certain distance around the catchment -
plot_gauges_catch(catch, gauges_catch, distGauges)
plots the identified rain gauges within the given distance, which allows to check if an adequate number of rain gauges is included for the interpolation -
request_api_gauges(requestDate, Ndays, gauges_catch)
requests api rain data for the above selected rain gauges -
api_rain_raster(catch, gauges_catch, api, distGauges, ID)
interpolates rain data using idw (inverse distance weighted) interpolation -
plots the result ofapi_rain_raster
: the interpolated precipitation in the contributing basins -
apiRain(catch, api, date)
interpolates api rain data, giving the mean rain for each sabbasin of the catchment -
lists and downloads TRMM data in ftp from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission ( -
extracts rain from TRMM data, giving the mean rain for each subbasin of the catchment -
plots the mean TRMM precipitation of the contributing subbasins
reservoir_model(ID, start, end, distGauges)
runs a model for the catchment of a chosen reservoir, considering the runoff distribution through the reservoir network and 2 further modules: evaporation from the reservoirs (reservoir_evaporation
) and the water withdrawl (reservoir_withrawl
), assuming that everyday if possible, 1% of the maximum reservoir volume is withdrawn
a geospatial dataframe of all 22960 reservoirs identified in Ceará with their ID, maximum extent and geometry, adapted from Jean-Francois Pekel, Andrew Cottam, Noel Gorelick, Alan S. Belward, High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its long-term changes. Nature 540, 418-422 (2016). (doi:10.1038/nature20584). -
a geospatial dataframe of the level 12 subbasins in Ceará, classified following the method of Otto Pfafstetter as published by Lehner, B., Verdin, K., Jarvis, A. (2008): New global hydrography derived from spaceborne elevation data. Eos, Transactions, AGU, 89(10): 93-94. Among other variables, HYBAS_ID gives the ID of a subbasin, NEXT_DOWN the ID of the next downstream subbasin, SUB_AREA the area of the specific subbasin and UP_AREA the contributing area in km². -
a geospatial dataframe of the river reaches in Ceará from Lehner, B., Verdin, K., Jarvis, A. (2008): New global hydrography derived from spaceborne elevation data. Eos, Transactions, AGU, 89(10): 93-94. ARCID gives for each river reach an ID and UP_CELLS the number of upstrem catchment cells, with a cell size of 15 arcseconds x 15 arcseconds. -
are the nodes of the river networkriv
. -
objects ofres_max
. -
a geospatial dataframe, containing metadata of 230 rain gauges in Ceará from -
a geospatial dataframe, containing metadata of 18 meteorological stations in the Jaguaribe basin, Ceará. -
is a list of the time series of the stations described inpostos
, containing daily values of precipitation, evaporation and runoff for the years 1912-2015.
output of contributing_basins_shape or contributing_basins_res, the catchment contributing to a reservoir or sf object
output of rain_gauges_catch
, a geospatial dataframe with the rain gauges within catch_buffer
output of request_api_gauges
, a dataframe with the precipitation available for the requested dates and gauges
output of api_rain_raster
, a list with 2 elements:
contains a raster of the interpolated precipitation for each requested day,dailyRain_table
is a dataframe with the mean precipitation on the catchment and the reservoir of each requested day.
output of get_trmm_world
, contains the names of the available trmm files
output of trmmRain
, a geospatial dataframe with the mean TRMM precipitation for each subbasin
a dataframe showing for each timestep reservoir volumes at the beginning (vol_0) and end (vol_1), inflow (Qin_m3) and outflow (Qout_m3)