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LevelEditor Videos

Gary edited this page Jun 26, 2014 · 13 revisions

LevelEditor Tutorial Videos

The LevelEditor provides game designers with a WYSIWYG interface for constructing game levels. The following videos show you how to use individual LevelEditor features.

Note: These videos were created using LevelEditor 3.5; some features may behave slightly differently for later versions.

Tutorial Subject Using Manipulators You can move, rotate, and scale objects by using the LevelEditor's manipulators. (2:11)
  • The Translation manipulator moves an object.
  • The Rotate manipulator rotates an object.
  • The Scale manipulator scales an object.

    For information about changing the point around which the LevelEditor scales and rotates objects, see the Moving Pivot Points video. Moving Pivot Points Objects contain pivot points around which scaling and rotation occur. You can move an object's pivot point to change how the LevelEditor scales and rotates an object. (1:59) Zooming the World Using the keyboard and mouse, you can zoom in and zoom out of the World. (1:03) Rendering Objects The LevelEditor lets you choose whether to display wireframes, textures, lighting, and back faces when rendering objects. (1:43) Duplicating Objects You can easily duplicate game objects in the Design View. If you duplicate a set of game objects, the new objects have the same relative position to each other as the originals. (1:20) Creating Linears You can create linears by using the Curve tool in the Palette. (1:42) Rotating Objects to Face a Nearby Surface Using Rotate on Snap, you can have game objects rotate to orient themselves to a nearby surface. (0:55) Using Sublevels Sublevels allow you to break up large game worlds into smaller pieces so that they're more easily managed. They can also be shared among multiple game designers. (2:03) Using Lights in a Game Level Three different Light objects allow you to achieve many different kinds of lighting effects within a game level or within a specific scene in the level. (3:27)
To be done: Snapping a Linear to Another Object You can snap a linear to another object by using the Move manipulator and the Snap to Vertex option. (0:00)