Release notes - SonarKotlin - 2.21
SONARKT-363 S6207: ClassCastException on certain types of Arrays.hashCode calls
SONARKT-364 ZipException in Kotlin analyzer when project depends on adwords-axis
SONARKT-387 Remove generic CatchAll rule for external linters
SONARKT-388 Bug in rule S6524: IllegalArgumentException when retrieving Fully Qualified Name
SONARKT-402 Kotlin Gradle scripts shouldn't be analyzed by KotlinSensor
SONARKT-404 IllegalArgumentException in UnusedDeferredResultCheck
SONARKT-406 java.util.zip.ZipException not handled by KotlinCoreEnvironmentToolsKt
New Feature
SONARKT-394 Add STIG metadata support
False Positive
SONARKT-374 FP in rule S100 when a function is annotated with @Composable
from Jetpack
SONARKT-354 Improve error reporting when code highlighting in messages isn't available
SONARKT-357 Enable "NOSONAR" in SonarLint
SONARKT-365 Reduce logging level to debug for not supported highlighting
SONARKT-398 Upgrade Kotlin compiler to 2.0.21
SONARKT-399 Replace kotlin-compiler-embeddable by kotlin-compiler
SONARKT-403 Execute TopDownAnalyzerFacadeForJVM even if classpath is empty
SONARKT-412 Upgrade analyzer-commons to 2.16.0
SONARKT-413 Update rules metadata
SONARKT-414 Change license to SONAR Source-Available License v1.0 (SSALv1)
SONARKT-415 Improve S6524 to comply with its description