A script to download posts and auxilliary post details from software engineering daily via the Wordpress api: https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts and store it into the DB, to be accessed by the sedaily API.
npm install
cp .env.example .env
Note: Tested on Node version 7.10.1
node index.js
node getImg.js
node getMp3.js
node generateCleanDescription.js
node makeThreadForEpisodes.js
node feed-item-collector.js
node feed-item-general-collector.js
node links-add-images.js
node getTranscriptURL.js
node getGuestImage.js
Generates topics from Wordpress tags names. New topics adds to Topics table and increases topics counters.
node getTags.js
node addTags.js
node generateTopics.js
(The process will end automatically)
node generateSponsors.js
Removes all topics from database and the "topics" field from posts' documents (WARNING - this script removes all topics from database and all users' actions (adding and assigning) topics can be lost)
node removeTopicsFromPosts.js
Removes all sponsorsContents from posts' documents (WARNING - this script removes all sponsorsContents posts!)
node removeSponsorsFromPosts.js